Terrell Bradley

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Terrell Bradley is a pitcher for the Tokyo Lift, and has been with the team since the Season 21 elections. Bradley has played for the Hawai'i Fridays, Yellowstone Magic, Seattle Garages, Charleston Shoe Thieves.

Official League Records

Bradley joined the ILB as a lineup player for the Hawai'i Fridays with the Return of Blaseball.

During the Season 4 elections, Bradley was affected by the Alternate Reality decree, resulting in a combined 6.7 9.2 stat increase.

During the Season 5 elections, Bradley's baserunning fell half a star as a part of the Charleston Shoe Thieves' Bad Neighbors blessing. This was later regained as a result of the Shoe Thieves' Mutually Arising blessing during the Season 6 elections.

On Season 7, Day 73, Bradley was exchanged to the Yellowstone Magic due to Feedback. Bradley was replaced by Alyssa Harrell.

During the Season 8 elections, Bradley retreated to the Seattle Garages' Shadows in exchange for Chorby Short via the Lottery Pick blessing, becoming a pitcher in the process.

During the Season 16 elections, Bradley's defense was increased by 3.2 3.4 and Bradley's pitching was increased by 2.9 3.3 as a result of the Garages' Shadow Defense Practice and Shadow Pitching Practice blessings.

On Season 18, Day 37, Bradley joined the Garages' active roster in exchange for Mike Townsend as a result of The Hotdogfingers Memorial Climate Pledge Garage and Parking Facility's Fax Machine. On Season 18, Day 45, Bradley retreated to the Garages' Shadows in exchange for Fitzgerald Wanderlust as a result of The Hotdogfingers Memorial Climate Pledge Garage and Parking Facility's Fax Machine.

On Season 19, Day 10, Bradley joined the Garages' active roster in exchange for Tot Clark as a result of The Hotdogfingers Memorial Climate Pledge Garage and Parking Facility's Fax Machine. On Day 117, in the final game of the Internet Series, Bradley retreated to the Garages' Shadows in exchange for Nolanestophia Patterson as a result of The Hotdogfingers Memorial Climate Pledge Garage and Parking Facility's Fax Machine.

On Season 20, Day 12, Bradley joined the Garages' active roster in exchange for Magi Ruiz as a result of The Hotdogfingers Memorial Climate Pledge Garage and Parking Facility's Fax Machine.

Bradley was traded to the Charleston Shoe Thieves in exchange for Oliver Loofah during the Season 20 elections via the Garages' Equivalent Exchange will, becoming a lineup player in the process.

On Season 21, Day 73, Bradley retreated to the Shoe Thieves' Shadows in exchange for Vernon Shotwell at the Choux Stadium via the Ratified Voicemail. On Day 98, Bradley joined the Shoe Thieves' pitching rotation in exchange for Blood Hamburger as a result of Choux Stadium's Fax Machine.

Bradley was traded to the Tokyo Lift in exchange for Inky Rutledge during the Season 21 elections via the Shoe Thieves' Equivalent Exchange will.

Over the course of Season 23, Bradley entered and exited the Lift's Shadows two times as a result of Tokyo Fitness Center Fax Machine events, ending the Season on the pitching rotation.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Box of Terrell Bradley Files

Dust billows as the file box lands on the table. While many archives in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill are unified in some way, this... definitely isn’t one of them. The accompanying Rumor Registry explains all of the contents... wherever it is... but for now you grab the folder labelled IF-79.883 and start reading...

Career with the Hawai'i Fridays


As the team's catcher, Bradley uniquely wore gloves on both of his hands. This made it difficult for him to signal plays to the pitcher. It also partially disguised the fact that he has two left hands.

Bradley is a proud father and will proudly boast about his kids, their achievements, and the people they are growing up to be when prompted.

The children he talks about changes each time he talks about them, and is not limited to children, or even people younger than him. Notable people he has claimed as his children include celebrity chef Bobby Flay, actress Julianne Moore, and fellow Hawai'i Fridays members Karato Bean and Nagomi Mcdaniel.

Although these parental ties cannot be verified, Bradley's kindhearted nature and uplifting attitude has made him a de facto paternal figure both within the Fridays and the blaseball league at large.

Founding of the Seattle Shadows Co-op

After Bradley was sent to the Garages shadows for Chorby Short, Bradley found once lauded member, Mike Townsend, baking and haunting the Garages dugouts listlessly. Bradley approached Townsend and proposed a deal. Townsend would bake sourdough buns, Terrell would cook the meats, and the two would operate a concessions stand at the Big Garage called Dad's Grill. When asked why he would want to do such a thing, Bradley pointed to the seats and said, "We've got kids to feed!" Townsend agreed, and the Seattle Shadows Co-op was born.

Dad's Grill (officially known as The Hot Sauce Bar and Grill) has become the favorite concessions stand of the Big Garage since its opening. Many fans report the food at Dad's Grill to be "comforting," "nostalgic," and "they have just about the best damn buns." Fans claim that Bradley can be found wandering the aisles of Big Garages home games with a portable grill, handing out hotdogs and hamburgers alike, but reports remain inconclusive.

Fax Machine

Seasons 17-18

At the start of season 17, Townsend took a leave from his job working at Dad's Grill in order to return to pitching. Reasons for this sudden change are currently unknown; upon interview, Bradley simply said, "Look, I'll support the kid in whatever he wants to do."

After a series of terribly pitched games, however, Bradley seemed to change his tune. A pitching rivalry began to brew between the two chefs. Reportedly, Bradley was convinced that he could train Townsend into becoming a better pitcher, convinced that if he "just applied himself, he could be great," but Townsend wanted none of it, stating, "I'm just here for the thrill of the game." Multiple teammates gently encouraged him to lay off, Tot Clark in particular reminding him that he's never pitched before in his life. Bradley responded: "Sure, I was never a pitcher, but I was a catcher. It's just throwing the ball in the other direction--how hard could it be?"

Having watched Townsend narrowly dodge the newly purchased Fax Machine twice, Bradley was itching for a chance to show the pitcher how it's done. Finally, on Season 18, Day 37, Mike Townsend let up 10 runs against the Kansas City Breath Mints, causing Bradley to ditch his grill and rush onto the mound.

"Townsend, you stop those burgers from burning. Let me show you how a real pitcher does it--I'll turn this game around!"

The Seattle Garages lost that game 13-5.

Bradley was faxed during his next game pitching, having lost ten runs to the Yellowstone Magic by the top of the 6th inning.

After an apology to Townsend and an admission that pitching isn't as easy as it looks, the duo made up and agreed to focus on the restaurant again, together.

Season 19

On Season 19, Day 10, Wyatt Mason X was heard saying "Damn, I could go for one of Terrell's spicy chicken sandwiches right now" in a perfect copy of Conner Haley's voice. Bradley happened to overhear this, and whipped up his spicy meal challenge as quickly as he could, running onto the field to hand it off to the player just in time to see Tot Clark get faxed. Mason managed to eat the whole thing in a few bites, much to the shock of xyr teammates, and became the seventh ILB player to complete the spicy food challenge at the Hot Sauce Bar and Grill. Bradley took Clark's spot on the pitching rotation, leaving the restaurant in Townsend's capable hands once again.

Bradley's pitching had only improved slightly since the last time he pitched, leading the team to the Season β19 postseason and then to a championship loss. He was seen smiling and laughing as he reentered the shadows in the top of the 9th.

"The kid was right… It's so much more fun when you're just here for the thrill of the game!"

Bradley continued to operate Dad's Grill alongside Townsend. Outside of work, Bradley enjoyed blowling and collecting patterned button-down shirts. He had taken on the duty of helping other recently shadowed players adjust to life without Blaseball and find a niche within the Seattle Shadows Co-op.

With the Tokyo Lift

After an uneven season with the Charleston Shoe Thieves Bradley joined the team which had faxed him out of the Season 19 decider. The Tokyo Lift embraced their new pitcher; deprived of a Team Dad since the passing of Stijn Strongbody, they now had a tag pairing of impeccable fatherliness in "Dadley" Bradley and recently-unshadowed bear batter Theodore Honeywell. The duo's instant rapport was a joy in itself, and the Tag Dads Twin Pack proved a popular addition to the stadium shop's range of talking bobbleheads:

"I'm so proud of you, kid!" --Terrell Bradley
"Grrrr! Grrrroowrr. Grr!" --Theodore Honeywell

Between games Bradley used the Legscraper's dance studio to indulge his passion for Jazzercise. At Val Hitherto's tongue-in-cheek suggestion he began a weekly web series pastiching home exercise VHS tapes from the 1980s. Wearing co-ordinated CMYK leotards and legwarmers, teammates Coolname Galvanic and Domino Bootleg joined the ever-upbeat Bradley as he leads viewers through an exuberant half-hour routine. A less enthusiastic participant was Hitherto, who accepted his guest role as the price of keeping the acknowledged Grill Master away from his own Beef Wings truck.


  • Bradley was the designated Grill Master for the Fridays' post-game cookouts. The only time he wears shoes is when at the grill.
  • Bradley always wears the hat of the opposing team to games. When asked at the post-game cookouts, Bradley invariably points at the other team's dugout, saying "That's my kid over there! I'm just so proud of them." This tradition has reportedly carried on into his work at Dad's Grill.
  • Teammates and fans often refer to Bradley as Dadley due to his fatherly nature.
  • Bradley enjoys blowling and has team he regularly plays with outside of Blaseball.
    • His bowling ball is customized to look like a coconut but looks more like a weird animal.
  • Bradley once had to ask team members to stop gifting him with World's Best Dad mugs, as he simply had too many. In response, the team began gifting him with assorted other World's Best mugs, including World's Best Dentist, World's Best Deodorant Manufacturer, and World's Best Horse.
    • Guests at Dad's Grill will often receive their drinks in these mugs, as Bradley has run out of space in his apartment to store the collection.
    • Townsend reportedly gifted him a World's Best Pitcher mug after the first time Bradley was faxed back into the shadows, much to his delight. Bradley will often serve the losing pitcher of a game with this mug.

Fan Works