Enid Marlow

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Revision as of 02:32, 9 July 2021 by UnabashedlyRose (talk | contribs) (updated IRM format)

Enid Marlow is a lineup player for the Baltimore Crabs and has been with the team since the Season 14 elections. Marlow has played for the Ohio Worms.

Official League Records

Marlow joined the ILB as a pitcher for the Ohio Worms during the Descension.

Marlow was traded to the Baltimore Crabs in exchange for Luis Acevedo during the Season 14 elections via the Worms' Exchange will, becoming a lineup player in the process. Marlow then retreated to the Crabs' Shadows in exchange for York Silk as a result of the Crabs' Plunder will, resulting in a combined 16.2 16.8 stat increase.

During the Season 17 elections, Marlow joined the Crabs' active roster in exchange for Parker Meng as a result of the Crabs' Foreshadow will.

On Season 21, Day 30, Marlow was swept  Elsewhere... and gained the Negative modification as a result of Lorcan Smaht's Undertaker modification.

During the Season 22 elections, Marlow became an Alternate due to the Handful Alternate Trust blessing.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Box of Enid Marlow Files

Dust billows as the file box lands on the table. While many archives in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill are unified in some way, this... definitely isn’t one of them. The accompanying Rumor Registry explains all of the contents... wherever it is... but for now you grab the folder labelled IF-32.584 and start reading...

If at first you don’t succeed

Enid Marlow was first born in the 1400s, and was considered to be a cunning woman, a phrase here used to indicate a woman who practiced “good” magic to heal people/livestock, predict the future with divination, procure love with charms, and find lost items or treasures. Somewhere along the way, Marlow became what was considered to be a malefica, a phrase here used to indicate a person practiced magical acts intended to harm, mixed in with a side of diabolism. As the times changed, she worked as a private investigator, fortune teller, metaphysical shop sales person, and a host of other professions until she stumbled upon a ritual of munch interest, and a promise of eternal life and rebirth. At some point, presumably, Marlow died of natural causes. However her name came up again recently as the Ohio Worms joined the ILB.

Try, try again

Enid Marlow was born in a year, and was considered to be haunted, a phrase here used to indicate that a woman claiming to be her past self was an ever constant companion. Luckily for Marlow, she had a natural talent for magic and an interest in the occult as well as tailoring her own elaborate “classical goth” outfits. Her very first ritual was performed in a gorgeous black and lace gown alongside Wanda Schenn and Augusta Chadwell to turn them all into star blaseball players. This may have had something to do with Chadwell’s half-demon state, and Schenn’s refusal to speak to Marlow. When presented with the opportunity to encourage the necromancy of York Silk in Baltimore, Marlow leapt at the chance, which unsurprisingly further soured her relationship with Shem. The ritual went through mostly as intended, however this time it was her that was banished to the Crab’s shadows.

Persistence Pays off in the End

Enid Marlow was traded to the Baltimore Crabs in the season 14 elections, and immediately joined Bevan Underbuck on the bench, and quickly moved into their apartment, much to Underbuck’s quiet dismay. Not one to freeload however, Marlow was quick to take after her own long-time apparition and taught Underbuck the basics of magic and spellcasting which they took to with surprising ease. Marlow also took the time to learn about Carcinization a process unique to Baltimore where people took on Crab-like features. Despite the social faux-paux, Marlow was quick to enquire about the details of many people’s changes, when they started, and what powered them - though she was frustrated to find that no one who knew would speak to her about it.

Finally after spending 3 seasons in the shadows, Marlow joined the Crab’s active roster in season 18, eager to put her many talents to use.

Moths to a Flame

In Season 20 Marlow found herself facing an unexpected reunion with a former original player for the Ohio Worms, Kaz Fiasco. While the two had never been extremely close, they found that the shared experience of joining the Crabs was something the two of them could bond over. While Fiasco was unsure of Marlow’s feelings on their reunion due to the unconventional ways that she showed affection, Marlow would privately admit that she saw Fiasco as a goofy, annoying younger sibling. It was however extremely unclear which of the two were older considering both of their tenuous connections to their own chronological ages.

An Alternation

During the season 22 Election, Marlow was the subject of an alternation, though the exact methods of this were unclear to many observers. It seemed as though Marlow remained the same person she always had been, but was now tied into the crabs in an unusual blend of her own occult powers and the natural cycle of Carcinization in Baltimore. There have been several different reports of exactly how this manifested in Marlow, with some seeing her shadow moving independently of Marlow herself, others reporting layers of fine chiton, and some even still claiming her eyes have gained an usual shine when observed under the right kind of light. What all of these reports share however is the pearlescent details and colouring, taking after the ritual the Baltimore Crabs use to memorialize their dead.

Given Marlow’s own history with necromancy, this has raised many questions about the ritual of alternation itself. However it is unknown if this was even a deliberate ritual by Marlow herself, with some claiming that she was attempting to siphon off the power of the Olde One and had it backfire, while others claim it was an attempt to seize control of her own carcinization to mark herself as a part of the team. Marlow herself has been quiet on the subject, often avoiding questions or outright threatening those who ask about it in after game interviews.

The End of the World

In Season 24 with the opening of the Hall of Flames Marlow found herself all at once fascinated and terrified by the prospect. While this did give her previously unheard of access to the dead (especially with Kennedy Loser refusing to pass on her questions to his inhabiting players), this also gave the dead previously unheard of access to her. As much as Marlow wished to spend her time taking notes and interrogating deceased players, she spent a great deal of time avoiding running into the ghost of Augusta Chadwell. Since the two of them had not been on speaking terms when Chadwell had died, Marlow had done her best to simply avoid the issue by not thinking about it.

Chadwell’s return meant that her mind often wandered to that first ritual Marlow had performed to make them star players. After great thought Marlow attributed it to “a miscommunication. I assumed that Augusta and Wanda knew what they were getting into - apparently they disagreed when things went wrong.” When pressed Marlow elaborated that “I greatly respect them both, so obviously they must have at least a basic understanding of the arcane arts? How could they not?”. The massive hole in Marlow’s logic could not be pressed further, as the imminent heat-death of the universe caused the interview to wrap up early.

The Event Horizon

As the Crabs approached the Event Horizon Marlow could be seen giving furtive glances to the Hall of Flames behind them, while maintaining her focus ahead to her future with the Crabs, as well as her reunion with her first team, the Ohio Worms, and her old research partner Trinity Smaht. With her knowledge and experience behind her, she joined the Crabs as they steered towards the Event Horizon.