Emblem Warhorse

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See Emblem Warhorse (bar) for the establishment of the same name.

Emblem Warhorse is a player in the Shadows for the Seattle Garages, and has been with the team since the Season β19 Elections.

Official League Records

Warhorse joined the ILB as a lineup player in the Shadows for the Seattle Garages as the Garages' Season β11 Playoff Birth.

During the Season β19 elections, Warhorse joined the Garages' active roster in exchange for Brisket Friendo as a result of the Garages' Foreshadow will.

On Season β21, Day 79, Warhorse retreated to the Shadows in exchange for Oliver Loofah at The Hotdogfingers Memorial Climate Pledge Garage and Parking Facility via the Ratified Voicemail.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.


Emblem Warhorse describes many things: a bar, a band, a Blaseball player, but most importantly, a community. The Emblem Warhorse is a dive bar in Seattle, and Emblem Warhorse is a collective of people who have at some point in their life found refuge within its walls, becoming Patrons of The Emblem Warhorse. Patrons can be found doing a variety of activities, including (but certainly not limited to) celebrating after a minor league blaseball game, chatting with fellow motorcycle gang members, performing in the group's band (titled Emblem Warhorse), performing at the bar's drag shows under the moniker Emblem Warhorse, or simply enjoying the atmosphere of the bar. A watchful reader may have noticed that some of these activities involve being named Emblem Warhorse; this stems from the bar’s motto: “If you’re here, you’re Emblem Warhorse.” Upon entering the bar, one's name becomes Emblem Warhorse for the duration of one's stay. All are Emblem Warhorse. All is Emblem Warhorse.

Warhorses who frequent the bar often note having never seen the bar before finding it, despite it being located across the street from the Queen Anne Dicks Drive In. Some speculate the bar is only visible when one is truly prepared to find it. The exception to this rule is when the bar hosts events, though visitors who are not meant to become a Patron often find themselves shooed out the door by The Emblem Warhorse itself. Visitors have reported experiencing this phenomenon differently, some finding chairs feeling more uncomfortable, others noticing the water tasting off or the music being just a little too loud. Some have taken to challenging The Emblem Warhorse, ready to prove themselves worthy candidates of the Emblem Warhorse name. It is unclear at this point if any such challenges have been successful.

After the name Emblem Warhorse appeared on the Seattle Garages active roster, at least one Warhorse has been chosen to play in each Garages game. How a Warhorse is chosen for play on a given day is unclear, as Patrons have given conflicting reports. It is possible that there is no clear way of deciding play, or that it changes from day to day. Some cite a competitive game of dlarts, others claim they simply feel the compulsion to pick up the bat and head out the doors.

Qualifications of becoming an Emblem Warhorse

Of the players who take up the moniker Emblem Warhorse, only two things are consistent:

  • They have at one point in time been considered a regular at The Emblem Warhorse, and have been deemed worthy.
  • They are required to wear the Emblem, a design featuring an upside-down chess knight, somewhere on their person.

The bar has a strict no quadruped policy, though there have been known instances of quadruped Emblem Warhorses managing to get around this rule.

Patrons of the Emblem Warhorse

Many people and beings have come to take up the moniker of Emblem Warhorse throughout time, as deemed worthy by The Emblem Warhorse bar. Below is one such Warhorse.

This time, the Interdimensional Rumor Mill reveals a Patron Rumor from IF-59.521 out of its Patron Rumor Registry...

Ortiz Morse was a pitcher for the Seattle Garages and was with the team from Season β9, Day 53. Morse was sent to the Garages' Shadows during the Season 9 elections. Morse previously played for the Canada Moist Talkers.

Early Life

Born in Montreal, UQC in 1978 to Helena Poireau, a schoolteacher, and Calwell Morse, a banker who was later the Finance Minister for Québec Prime-minister Tranche Jacobi's government in exile (Upper-Laurentian Québec), Morse grew up in a third floor walk up in the Plateau neighbourhood of Montreal with his parents, two sisters, and a cat. Morse’s father first taught him to throw in Mont-Royal parc where "even from the age of 9 [he] recognized [his] boy was built for Blaseball, not banking."

The Crimson Trunk Affair which toppled Jacobi's government also tore up the Morse Family. Calwell Morse left into exile with the rest of the Jacobi cabinet. Ortiz was 14 years old when his father left, but the teenager remained in Montreal with his mother for several more years. He attended Ste. Monsieur-Cadeaux High School until Grade 11, but was withdrawn from school after his father’s death in the second Toast Bombings. His mother then relocated the family to Halifax, Nova Scotia, fearing a Second Quebec Civil War.

Morse pursued a finance degree at Dalhousie University on a Blaseball scholarship, but despite his obvious pitching talent, chose to bat instead so as not to compete with the school's star pitcher Paul Cartography. In Morse's third year, Cartography tore his rotator cuff, and a botched surgery resulted in the loss of his entire arm. Morse was made pitcher and led the team to two consecutive Canadian University League championships.

Blaseball Strategy

As a player, Ortiz Morse is, if not the most, at least one of the most innovative pitchers the sport of Blaseball has ever seen. After graduating with a degree in finance from Dalhousie University, he began to approach the splort of blaseball with the goal to make it more efficient.

Pitchers traditionally attempt to get batters to miss pitches, resulting in a so-called "strike", but the primary goal of a blaseball defense is not to throw strikes, it is to get three outs to end the inning for the offensive team. The amount of work to get three individual outs struck Morse as woefully inefficient. If there is no runner on base, the most outs a defensive team can get in any given plate appearance is 1. Morse thus derived that it would be much more effective to walk a player or two onto the base, maximizing the potential outs the defense can get in a single play. Additionally this has the added benefit of the simple fact that players can not score automatic runs, through home-run when the blall is being thrown out of the strike zone. This brand-new strategy in blaseball has been dubbed "The Walking Strategy" but is commonly referred to by fans as "The Plan".

It works as a two-pronged attack, as it not only maximizes the number of outs but it also serves to confuse opposing players while lulling them into a false sense of security. Morse’s personal dream is to be the first pitcher in Blaseball history to perform the forbidden Quadruple Play. The Plan worked once, on Day 38 of Season β8 Morse pitched a no-hitter, one of the first to do so in the entire splort.

Personal Life

Morse is married to Chanderz Candyman, heir to the Candyman newspaper fortune. They met at a Halifax dog bar and bonded over their shared love of karaoke. Their lengthy courtship was subject to close attention in Canadian and Australian tabloids. Their wedding was held at the Dalhousie Botanical Gardens and Butterfly Sanctuary and was a private ceremony attended by a small group of family and friends. They currently (2020) live in Halifax with their two dogs.

In a 2017 interview with the Halifax Gazette, Morse said of his husband, "he's the only person I've ever met who likes my eyes and doesn't care how well I can throw a Blaseball."

Moist Mouth

In his spare time, Ortiz fronts the Smash Mouth cover band Moist Mouth, but in lieu of singing, Morse plays the telegraph key. Moist Mouth plays the night before every home game in Halifax local bar The Quivering Scallop. Other members of the band are session musicians hired by Chanderz Candyman who, for the sake of their other ventures, remain anonymous and play wearing Moist Talker uniforms, donning masks of fan favorite Moist Talkers. They currently upload their fan favorite covers to their SoundCloud

The Seattle Garages make it a point to show up to every show when they are playing in Halifax to boo and heckle Morse.


Morse is often described off the field as "scruffy" and "extremely Canadian" in appearance, with mention often being made of his peg leg, the result of an unspecified banking injury that occurred during a "Take Your Child to Work" event shortly before his father's departure. However, on the pitch his appearance shifts dramatically. The freckles on his face, which upon closer inspection are actually morse code (the reading differs from an SOS to an all clear message depending on the Moist Talkers' standing between games), shift to encompass his entire body. His material form then breaks down, and he becomes morse code personified, simply an array of dots and dashes in a blaseball uniform upon the pitcher's mound. Notably, he never actually speaks regardless of form, instead communicating via morse transmission beeps.

Move to Seattle

During his short stint pitching for the Seattle Garages, Morse found himself hanging around the newly opened Dad's Grill. He shared stories with owner Terrell Bradley and baker, Mike Townsend, and suggested the spot host events. At the end of the season, Bradley offered Morse a job bartending, saying "Son, I think it's time you followed your other dreams, closer to home." Morse took this to heart, and took him up on his offer. Morse can now be found behind the bar of Dad's Grill, lending an ear to all who needs it and organizing themed karaoke nights with the help of his husband.

Morse was introduced to The Emblem Warhorse by his husband, and the two are often seen attending drag brunch together, where he's known for tipping high. He became a patron when a drag queen named Emblem Warhorse dedicated her lip sync to him. His emblem is painted on his peg leg, and his go-to drink is a Bloody Caesar. Morse often intentionally strikes out when batting as Emblem Warhorse--he claims that, by doing so, he's reducing the other pitcher's "Out Efficiency," a measurement of how efficient the other pitcher is at getting batters out. Research has yet to show whether or not this strategy will lead the Garages to a championship win.


Fan Works
