Jaylen Hotdogfingers

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Revision as of 12:08, 11 September 2020 by Nameoftheyear (talk | contribs) (Cleanup, added stats & profile, added Idol necromancy to OLR, edited lore for grammar)

Jaylen Hotdogfingers was a pitcher for the Seattle Garages and was with the team starting and ending with Season 1. Hotdogfingers was an accomplished, four-star pitcher, but is best known for being the first Blaseball player to be incinerated due to fans Opening the Forbidden Book.

Official League Records

Hotdogfingers joined the league in Season 1, playing for the Seattle Garages. Hotdogfingers was considered a star player with a pitching stat of .

At the Season 1 Election Results, Hotdogfingers became the first Blaseball player ever incinerated, as well as the only player ever incinerated outside of an active game. This incineration occurred due to The Forbidden Book opening by Decree. Hotdogfingers was seemingly chosen at random, as no part of the decree indicates that it would directly target the Garages or their best pitcher.


In Season 6, following the introduction of the Idols leaderboard, Hotdogfingers began to climb the idol rankings to the #14 position, despite belonging to Null Team. Many fans coordinated to keep Hotdogfingers in the #14 position for several days, specifically in order to exploit the Season 6 blessing called Lottery Pick, which would "steal the 14th Most Idolized Player in the League." How this blessing would interact with an incinerated player was entirely unknown.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Personal Life

Jaylen Hotdogfingers was the former mayor of both Seattle and Dark-Seattle, as well as trumpet player for the Seattle Garages Big Bops Band, and whistleblower involved in the Partytime Papers. Her incineration has made her the only mayor in Seattle history who did not finish their term due to a splorts-related incident rather than a terrible political scandal. Unlike the other instances of incineration, Hotdogfingers' loss was not caused by the direct intervention of an Umpire. Her final words were, "We just gotta make it to the playoffs."

Reelection Campaign

With the advent of idols in Season 6, a group referring to itself as the "Mayor Hotdogfingers Reelection Campaign" has been steadily growing in size and influence. Akin to a cult, their goal is to exploit the rules of Blaseball blessings to return Hotdogfingers from the great unknown. While Hotdogfingers is most beloved in the league by Garages fans, members of the Reelection Campaign curiously seem to hail from blaseball fandoms across the land. Whether these other fans seek a new mayor for their own city or merely crave chaos is unclear at this time.

Reelection is a taboo subject among Garages fans for a variety of reasons. While Hotdogfingers has many die-hards among fans who are eager to bring her back, many others are opposed. Detractors fear what strange powers she would bring back from the afterlife, what repercussions the Garages would invite from tampering with forbidden powers, or simply because "polite" Seattle society tends to frown upon the practice of necromancy (blaseball-related or otherwise). Fellow Garages pitcher and occultist Ron Monstera warned in an interview to Splorts Illustrated that "the gates of Valhalla only open when Ragnarok is upon us, which is why it is safer to alter the timeline so that she never died at all."

As of Day 37 of Season 6, it seems clear that the Reelection Campaign's plans are proceeding swiftly, and Hotdogfingers will indeed be crowned mayor once again soon. Mayor of what, exactly, is anyone's guess.
