Basilio Fig

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Revision as of 05:07, 6 June 2022 by DDDragoni (talk | contribs) (Added Fanart)

Basilio Fig is a lineup player for the LA Unlimited Tacos, and has been with the team since Season 4, Day 82. Fig has previously played for the Hawai'i Fridays.

Official League Records

Season 3

Fig joined the ILB as a lineup player for the Hawai'i Fridays on Season 3, Day 76, after the incineration of Hendricks Rangel.

Season 4

Fig suffered an allergic peanut reaction while batting against the Yellowstone Magic on Season 4, Day 24, dropping Fig from an overall rating of to .

On Season 4, Day 82, Fig was exchanged to the Unlimited Tacos due to Feedback. Fig was replaced by Baldwin Breadwinner.

Season 7

On Season 7, Day 29, Fig siphoned some of Charleston Shoe Thieves lineup player Lachlan Shelton's baserunning ability in a game with Blooddrain weather.

Season 9

During the Season 9 election, Fig received the Fire Eater modification due to the passing of the Forecast: Eclipse decree.

Coffee Cup

During the Coffee Cup, Fig played for Royal PoS as a lineup player.

Season 17

On Season 17, Day 14, Fig was  SHELLED in a game with Peanut weather by Tokyo Lift pitcher Alejandro Leaf.

During the Season 17 elections, Fig's Magmatic modification was changed to the Unstable modification as a result of the Tacos' Reform will.

Season 19

On Season 19, Day 3, Fig was freed from their shell by birds.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.



After the incineration (and some would argue return to the ether) of Hendricks Rangel, Basilio Fig stepped onto the field. As a sentient palm tree growing near one of the Fridays' most frequented playing spots, Fig had already been a fan of blaseball for quite some time. At the very moment that Rangel's physical form released, Our Lady of Perpetual Friday graced Fig with a renewed vigor in their roots, allowing them to stride across the field and join the Fridays.

Eyewitnesses say that each time Fig steps up to bat time seems to slow. In that instant a pair of muscular arms grow from their barklike torso allowing them to swing their bat.

Fig is close friends with a family of toucans that were blown into their upper branches by a passing storm. Fridays player Fletcher Yamamoto can be found nesting with Fig on their days off together.

Career as a Taco

Fig settled quickly in the infinite Los Angeli, helped in part by the similarly tropical climate. They found a new home on Figueroa Street, which is now and has always been named for them. Fellow Tacos teammate Basilio Mason has yet to comment on no longer being the only Basilio on the team, but Fig expressed that they were "happy to be a part of the Tacos name sharing tradition."

The Many Faces of Basilio Fig

According to the Interdimensional Rumor Mill, some things never change, even across dimensions. Someone, somewhere, decided to catalog all the different versions of Basilio Fig in a Rumor Registry, but today the version from IF-91.662 is playing. Here’s what the rumors say...

Freestylin' Fig

When on the Hawai'i Fridays, Fig was known as a strong surfer and would often spend their free time along the beach. Post Feedback to the Unlimited Tacos, in an attempt to fit in to their view of LA culture, Fig began to secretly learn skateboarding, with the goal of showing off a kickflip to the team. However, they soon realized they were the only one on the team who knew how to skateboard, based on the team's astounded reactions to their tricks. Picking up longboarding soon after has led the team to referring to Fig's methods of transportation as "concrete surfing".

Fig has since become skilled in all manner of extreme skateboarding tricks, enjoying the adrenaline of them and often making somewhat risky decisions. Everyone agrees that their sick skateboard tricks are very cool. This propensity for extreme splorts is what allowed them to become a Fire Eater in the Season 9 Elections, thus allowing them to get even more thrills out of Blaseball plays, and keeping their team safer from incineration. When asked about the rumor that a dull flame has burned on them consistently since Elections, they responded that "Fire is a rebirth, so I don't mind its vibe as long as there's no forest fires".

Fig, outside of and sometimes even in their Blaseball uniform, is noted as extending their risky skate tricks to risky fashion statements, never seen without a tacky outfit or accessory. They are often seen practicing in a series of neon tank tops with slogans on them such as 'I flexed and the sleeves fell off', 'My other car is a surfboard', or 'Suns out, guns out'. After spending more time with the team and discovering Basilio Mason's high fashion history, Fig has continued to play off of ridiculous patterns and color combinations, contrasting Mason's put-together style.

Fan Works

Non Visual Works
