
From Blaseball Wiki

Revision as of 22:24, 21 May 2022 by KCToxic (talk | contribs)

Pronoun Table Test


E plays blaseball.

Blaseball belongs to zir.

The player brought hys blaseball bat.

At least I think it was cers.

Star played Blaseball himself.

Player History

For a list of all former players, see Category:Former Breckenridge Jazz Hands Players.

Date Removed Added Cause
02 80 Alexandria Dracaena Hendricks Richardson 👐 Incineration
03 23 Ogden Mendoza August Sky 👐 Incineration
03 EL Bevan Underbuck Nagomi Mcdaniel 🏝️ Blessing (👐) Highway Robbery
03 EL Nagomi Mcdaniel Holden Stanton 🦀 Blessing (🦀) Headhunter
04 25 Tot Fox Valentine Games 🦀 Feedback
05 EL Holden Stanton Nagomi Mcdaniel 🦀 Blessing (👐) Seduction
05 EL August Sky Combs Estes 🥩 Blessing (🥩) The Plan? Hit From The Mound
06 22 Valentine Games Conrad Vaughan 📱 Feedback
06 41 Comfort Septemberish Collins Melon 🕵️ Feedback
06 44 Hendricks Richardson Randall Marijuana 🌞 Feedback
06 84 Randall Marijuana Steph Weeks 👐 Incineration
06 EL Nagomi Mcdaniel Holden Stanton 🦀 Blessing (🦀) Headhunter
07 EL Aldon Cashmoney Elijah Valenzuela 🏝️ Blessing (🏝️) Popular by Association
10 EL - Wyatt Pothos 🥜 Fell from THE SHELLED ONE'S PODS
12 61 Agan Harrison Edric Tosser 🔥 Feedback
12 99 - Yams Rolsenthal 👐 Playoff Birth
13 98 Combs Estes Dervin Gorczyca 👐 Incineration
13 EL Holden Stanton August Sky 🥩 Will (👐) Exchange
14 LS - Wyatt Mason II 👐 Localized into Lineup
14 78 Wyatt Mason II - Echoed into Static
16 48 - Liquid Friend 💋 Attractor Batted in by Tamara Crankit
16 EL Conrad Vaughan Mikan Hammer 📱 Will (📱) Equivalent Exchange
18 03 Tamara Crankit Zippy DeShields 👐 Incineration
18 06 Howell Rocha Riley Firewall 🚤 Feedback
18 54 Bauer Zimmerman Lancelot Kane 👐 Incineration
18 EL Wyatt Pothos Logan Rodriguez Will (👐) Equivalent Exchange
19 EL Logan Rodriguez Wyatt Pothos Will (👐) Equivalent Exchange
19 EL - Jasper Blather 🕵️ Roamin'
20 99 - Yams Sokol 👐 Playoff Birth
20 EL Liquid Friend - Returned to the Vault Investigation complete.
21 LS - Pitching Machine II 👐 Gift Shop
21 99 - Munavoi Rochester 👐 Overbracket Playoff Birth
21 EL Jasper Blather Comfort Septemberish 🌞 Will (👐) Equivalent Exchange
21 EL Comfort Septemberish Quack Enjoyable 🕵️ Will (🕵️) Equivalent Exchange
21 EL Pitching Machine II - Faded to Dust
22 54 Kathy Mathews - Super Roamin' The Fifth Base
22 LS - Liquid Friend IX 👐 Gift Shop
22 LS - Uncle Plasma IX 👐 Gift Shop
22 EL Yams Rolsenthal - Blessing (🎸) Gachapon
22 EL Liquid Friend IX - Faded to Dust
22 EL Uncle Plasma IX - Faded to Dust
23 36 - Chorby Short 🥩 Super Roamin' The Fifth Base
23 44 Stephens Lightner - Thieves' Guild (🐅)
23 69 Campos Arias - Thieves' Guild (🌹)
23 83 Lowe Forbes - Thieves' Guild (🌹)
23 95 Spears Rogers Famous Owens 🐅 Feedback
23 95 Walton Sports Siobhan Chark 🐅 Feedback
23 95 Famous Owens Spears Rogers 🐅 Feedback
23 99 - Mags Highlife 👐 Underbracket Playoff Birth
23 SC Collins Melon - Preserved in the Vault Stolen by the Vault Legends
23 EL Brewer Vapor - Blessing (🌮) Gachapon
24 35 Mags Highlife - Thieves' Guild (🌮)

Short Circuit Navboxes Test