Jon Halifax

From Blaseball Wiki

Revision as of 17:18, 19 December 2021 by Peaksykid (talk | contribs) (Added art by Horseizontal)

Jon Halifax was a lineup player for the Kansas City Breath Mints, and was with the team from the Season 22 elections until being incinerated on Season 23, Day 63. Halifax also played for the Baltimore Crabs.

Official League Records

Halifax joined the ILB as a pitcher for the Baltimore Crabs on Season 17, Day 2 after the incineration of Luis Acevedo.

On Season 18, Day 42, Halifax retreated to the Crabs' Shadows in exchange for Parker Meng via the Chesapeake Racetrack and Ballpark's Fax Machine. On Day 108, Halifax joined the Crabs' lineup in exchange for Pedro Davids via the Ratified Voicemail.

Halifax was traded to the Kansas City Breath Mints in exchange for Michelle Sportsman during the Season 22 elections via the Crabs' Equivalent Exchange will, becoming a pitcher in the process.

Over the course of Season 23 until Day 63, Halifax entered and exited the Breath Mints' Shadows four times as a result of Kansas City FreshDome Fax Machine and Voicemail events, ending the Season on the lineup. On Day 63, Halifax was incinerated and replaced by Khulan Sagaba.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Box of Jon Halifax Files

Dust billows as the file box lands on the table. While many archives in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill are unified in some way, this... definitely isn’t one of them. The accompanying Rumor Registry explains all of the contents... wherever it is... but for now you grab the folder labelled IF-86.253 and start reading...

Jon Halifax is the uncle of former star pitcher for the Atlantis Georgias and current star batter for the Tokyo Lift, Ankle Halifax. He wanted to watch his sibling’s kid play in the Bubble. Unfortunately for Halifax, he got dragged into pitching for the Baltimore Crabs after the tragic death of Luis Acevedo. As a result, he went to Baltimore with a cranky attitude that continued even after being shadowed and voicemailed in for beloved batter Pedro Davids. However, Halifax usually isn’t this cranky and selfish. In fact, he is quite a loving uncle to Ankle. After seeing Ankle play in the finals against the Breath Mints, Halifax decided to play for a team that could be the best...or something. So, he booked himself a ticket to Kansas City and convinced Max Betmint to let Halifax pitch again. Halifax’s arguments for this were that he pitched badly on the Crabs but a few more dips into the shadows and he’ll be a star...or something. Also, the Mints needed someone to be a sort of uncle figure on the team. So, Betmint agreed and Halifax’s playing career began anew again, now with a fresh start on his own terms.