Hahn Fox

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Revision as of 00:30, 24 September 2020 by OliverIsARobot (talk | contribs) (Update player infobox)

Hahn Fox is a lineup player for the Hellmouth Sunbeams. Fox joined the Sunbeams during the Season 6 election and has previously played for the Boston Flowers and the Miami Dale.

Official League Records

Fox joined Internet League Blaseball as a member of the Miami Dale at the beginning of Season 1. Fox was the strongest lineup player for the Dale throughout her tenure, with a -star batting rating, and was tied for the strongest Dale player with pitcher Rivers Clembons until Clembons was swapped with an Alternate during the Season 4 election.

On Season 6, Day 80, Fox was hit with Feedback which resulted in a swap with Beck Whitney. Fox then played for the Boston Flowers for the remainder of Season 6.

During the Season 6 Election, the Hellmouth Sunbeams received the Vulture blessing, which stole Fox from the Flowers and sent back Alaynabella Hollywood.

During the Season 7 Election, the Hellmouth Sunbeams received the Stickum blessing, which increased Fox's Defense from to .

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.


Fox is also a member-founder of the Party Animals.

Fox is often referred to as "The Dale Sweetheart" due to the fact that she maintains sobriety amongst the cafecito-ridden team culture of the Dale. Hahn has a brand endorsement deal with Diet Mlountain Dew and promotes it as an alternative to cafecito culture. The ads feature the slogans, “A Home Run for Sobriety,” “Tickles Your Brainstem, But Gently”, and “Parté with Aspartamé”.

In Game 99 of Season 6, Hahn batted in Nic Winkler and Castillo Turner, tying the game at 11-11, and allowing Moses Mason to win the game for the Flowers in the 10th inning. Although Moses may have batted in the final run, the Flowers never would have gotten the chance, if not for Hahn.

Personal Life

Hahn was married during Season 1 to Tot Fox's third cousin and took her name. The reception has been ranked as the 7th most influential Dale/Breckenridge Jazz Hands matchup. True to form, the Dale Sweetheart maintains positive relationships with her in-laws both on and off the field.

After moving to the Hellmouth at the end of the Season 6 elections, Fox Adapted bioluminescence. It is unknown how this helps her better survive the Hellmouth.

Fan Art