Silvaire Semiquaver

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Revision as of 00:21, 19 November 2022 by WayslideCool (talk | contribs) (fall ball)

Silvaire Semiquaver is a player for the Hawai'i Fridays, and has been with the team since Fall Ball. Semiquaver has previously played for the Tokyo Lift and LA Unlimited Tacos.

Official League Records

Semiquaver joined the ILB as a player in the Shadows for the Tokyo Lift with the Lift's debut in the Season 10 elections.

During the Season 12 elections, Semiquaver joined the Lift's lineup in exchange for Concrete Mandible via the Lift's Foreshadow will.

During the Season 19 elections, Semiquaver retreated to the Lift's Shadows in exchange for Kit Honey as a result of the Lift's Foreshadow will, resulting in a combined 14.1 14.8 stat increase.

On Season 21, Day 76, Semiquaver joined the Lift's pitching rotation in exchange for Domino Bootleg via the Tokyo Fitness Center's Fax Machine.

On Season 23, Day 106, Semiquaver retreated to the Lift's Shadows in exchange for Uncle Plasma XIV at Tokyo Fitness Center via the Ratified Fax Machine. Semiquaver was traded to the LA Unlimited Tacos' Shadows with no replacement during the Season 23 elections via the Gachapon blessing.

On Season 24, Day 35, Semiquaver joined the Tacos' pitching rotation in exchange for McBaseball Clembons at Al Pastor Memorial Park via the Ratified Fax Machine.

During the November 18, 2022 Fall Ball, Semiquaver fell to the Hawai'i Fridays.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Box of Silvaire Semiquaver Files

Dust billows as the file box lands on the table. While many archives in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill are unified in some way, this... definitely isn’t one of them. The accompanying Rumor Registry explains all of the contents... wherever it is... but for now you grab the folder labelled IF-24.922 and start reading...

Joining the Lift

Silvaire Semiquaver joined the Lift in Season 12 rather suddenly and unexpectedly, dragging Concrete Mandible into the shadows in her place. Vague and frazzled, Semiquaver explained to her new teammates that she had been lost in the depths of the Legscraper’s shadowy labyrinths for so long that she had lost track of her life before, including what era she had come from. The only thing she could say for certain was that she had been employed as some sort of cartographer, and may have initially entered the labyrinths to explore and map them.

After the initial shock of returning to a somewhat stable reality, Semiquaver gained confidence and shook off the vague demeanor she had arrived with. However, she still holds suspicions of things changing when she isn’t looking, and often is seen carrying sketchbooks with which she can document how everything is situated to ensure she will notice if they change.

Blaseball Career

Semiquaver started her career on the Lift as a batter, filling the position vacated by Mandible. She made use of her canny and practical attitude on the field by judging the best openings for stealing bases, so that although she had a mediocre history at bat, she was proficient at running bases when she managed to successfully get on base. After seasons of expressing heavy distaste for batting, she finally put her foot down and refused to bat a single day more. She retreated from active play until she eventually faxed into pitching, where she is skilled at reading the opponents and exploiting their weaknesses.

Joining the Tacos

In Season 23, Semiquaver was randomly selected by the Tacos’ Gachapon blessing and brought to Los Angeli. She expressed clearly visible concern about the instability of the infinite cities, locking herself in her room for the first few weeks and only coming out reluctantly when she faxed in for Rat Mason.

Semiquaver filled up dozens of sketchbooks with observations of the city, but the majority of those observations were quickly rendered inaccurate, sometimes even before she could finish sketching. After a certain point, she slowed down with the sketching and, while still documenting many things that could change around her, stopped trying to keep tabs on the entire city.

An anonymous fan stated in an interview, “she’s charming. WE appreciate her caution and respect for privacy, and hope she might consider US a friend.”

Semiquaver’s cartography experience came in handy in Season 24 when navigating the depth chart, keeping the team on course with a level head and a steady sense of direction.

Personal Life

As one of the more private members of her team, not much is known about Semiquaver’s personal life. During interviews, Semiquaver emits an air described by many to be mildly off-putting. She comes prepared, somehow procuring the reporters’ own agendas for the day so that she can turn questions back on the reporters, expertly diverting attention from herself and noting the responses in her sketchbooks. Viewers often end up knowing more about the reporters and their agencies than they do about the intended subject of the interview, Semiquaver herself. It is still unclear whether she is gathering this information for a purpose or as a distraction.

Fans have been able to glean little of her relations with her teammates. Former teammates Goodwin Morin, Halexandrey Walton, and Steals Mondegreen have all mentioned living with Semiquaver during their respective stays on the Lift, and during games, she can be seen conversing with Cudi Di Batterino and Engine Eberhardt and taunting the Beefwing stand employee. On one notable occurrence in Season 13, Semiquaver and Ayanna Dumpington could be seen holding hands on third base, leading fans to speculate on whether they shared a love life. Both parties refused to comment at the time, and Semiquaver later put out a public statement that fans should really mind their own business.

The Tacos accepted Semiquaver quickly, with some claiming that her friendship with Wyatt "Jasmine" Mason makes them “basically family”. During Mason’s brief stay on the Lift, she had often been seen wearing more feminine-presenting clothing borrowed from Semiquaver. Since joining the Tacos, Semiquaver appears to have befriended Wanda Schenn, the team’s resident astronaut, with the two often seen together around LA. She has also been seen talking frequently with Basilio Fig, and Basilio Mason is a known fan of her sense of style: elegant without losing any freedom of motion. By contrast, she has expressed extreme suspicion of troublemaker and shapeshifter Pannonica Oko.

Fan Works