Yusef Fenestrate

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Revision as of 02:31, 17 November 2021 by NautALoid (talk | contribs) (Added image to gallery)

Yusef Fenestrate is a lineup player for the Tokyo Lift, and has been with the team since the Season 10 elections.

Official League Records

Fenestrate joined the ILB as a lineup player for the Tokyo Lift during the Season 10 elections after the Ascension of the Baltimore Crabs.

During the Coffee Cup, Fenestrate played for Heavy FC as a lineup player.

On Season 20, Day 59, Fenestrate was swept  Elsewhere... and gained the Negative modification as a result of Nandy Slumps's Undertaker modification.

During the Season 21 elections, Fenestrate gained the 2x modification as a result of the Lift's Magnify will.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Box of Yusef Fenestrate Files

Dust billows as the file box lands on the table. While many archives in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill are unified in some way, this... definitely isn’t one of them. The accompanying Rumor Registry explains all of the contents... wherever it is... but for now you grab the folder labelled IF-1667 and start reading...

The waters beyond this point are uncharted, tales from distant shores echoed back into our reality.


The following accounts can be traced to a single leather-bound journal originally found in a locked wooden chest alongside a sextant-like device of indeterminate origin and a shell that matches no known species of mollusc. The chest was located in a storage room in the Legscraper’s lower levels that was described as “smelling faintly of the sea”. Subsequent attempts to locate and navigate to said room have been unsuccessful thus far. The journal details the exploits of the crew of a large sailing vessel, The Tokyo Adrift, descriptions of which are largely consistent with mid-17th century galleons.

With The Tokyo Adrift

Yusef Fenestrate was a late addition to the crew of The Tokyo Adrift. Their first encounter with the ship was entirely by chance. Fenestrate, a resident of crystalline caves deep below the surface of the Immateria seas, would occasionally come up to the surface to gaze at the stars above. It was on one such evening that they were spotted by Grollis Zephyr from the crow’s nest of the ship, who saw a glint from the sea as “the last light of day refracted off the crystalline growths on their spine”. The pair forged a close bond over their shared interest in astronomy and navigation and continued to work together after Fenestrate was officially employed by Captain Strongbody.

Fenestrate is described as having a largely humanoid torso and arms, though their skin is marked by crystalline outcrops at seemingly irregular intervals. From the waist down, anatomical descriptions are reminiscent of the modern day stonefish, with dark textured skin to aid in camouflage with their native habitat of the subaqueous caverns. One entry seems to suggest that Fenestrate possessed the characteristic lachrymal sabers of the stonefish family, bony protrusions that emerged from below the eyes with a switchblade-like mechanism in times of distress. Fenestrate’s hands are also described as “giving the impression of lifeless stone; their palms were like the insides of geodes and their fingers, while fully tactile and articulated, were composed of the clearest crystal”. Fenestrate was known to look through these fingers while navigating. Modern scholars have suggested that Fenestrate’s fingers are made of Iceland spar, a transparent, polarising variety of calcite, possibly used in medieval times to locate the sun in overcast conditions for navigation.

List of Notable Hobbies, Skills, and Interests

Fenestrate is known by many as someone with many interests and talents. Some of their peers have mentioned that every time you look away, it always seems as though they are up to something new and refreshing. There may be some truth to that:

  • Antique furniture authenticator
  • Wedding officiant
  • Musician:
    • Piano
    • Trash Instruments (both making and playing)
    • Synths
  • Ceramicist (learned with Concrete Mandible)
  • Wingsuit pilot
  • Pigeon keeper (learned from Lotus Mango)
  • Cryptozoologist
  • They also play Internet League Blaseball on the side

Fan Works