
From Blaseball Wiki

Revision as of 00:17, 17 January 2023 by KCToxic (talk | contribs) (→‎Other Effects)
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That's Jazz Baby!
This page (usually) contains work-in-progress content for pages related to the Breckenridge Jazz Hands.
Warning: Inaccessible content ahead!
The work-in-progress content on this page may not always be visually accessible and may cause problems with screen readers.

Sandbox: UserWiki:KCToxic/Sandbox

Text Effects


Note: The following text has a color of White and may not be visible on Light mode.

This text is 100% Opaque
This text is 90% Opaque
This text is 80% Opaque
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This text is 60% Opaque
This text is 50% Opaque
This text is 40% Opaque
This text is 30% Opaque
This text is 20% Opaque
This text is 10% Opaque
This text is 0% Opaque (highlight to read)

This text is opaque white with a tan text shadow.
This text is transparent with a white text shadow.

Other Effects

This sentence has redacted text!
This sentence has spoiled text!
REDACTED (This sentence is redacted!)

This sentence is rendered in the Coin's text style.
This sentence is rendered in The Shelled One's text style.
This sentence is rendered in Lōotcrates' text style.
This sentence is rendered in the Monitor's text style.
This sentence is rendered in Namerifeht's text style.
This sentence is rendered in the Reader's text style.
This sentence is rendered in A Shelled One's text style.
This sentence is rendered in the Emergency Alert's text style.
This sentence is rendered in the Umps' text style.


This section utilizes Choose tags and parser functions.

The following was chosen via Choose tags: 🍞🔮

The following was chosen via a Choose parser function: (sobbing) jands good

In-line Elements


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed finibus elit augue, sed tincidunt mi aliquam quis. Integer placerat libero sed orci luctus tempor. Morbi sit amet enim fermentum, convallis quam a, mollis felis. Morbi ac neque et lacus vestibulum ullamcorper non et tortor. Curabitur tempus eget eros in consectetur. Etiam molestie elit ac ligula varius, sit amet placerat magna tincidunt. Etiam at sodales ex. Curabitur ultricies turpis nisl, euismod blandit turpis finibus vel.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed finibus elit augue, sed tincidunt mi aliquam quis. Integer placerat libero sed orci luctus tempor. Morbi sit amet enim fermentum, convallis quam a, mollis felis. Morbi ac neque et lacus vestibulum ullamcorper non et tortor. Curabitur tempus eget eros in consectetur. Etiam molestie elit ac ligula varius, sit amet placerat magna tincidunt. Etiam at sodales ex. Curabitur ultricies turpis nisl, euismod blandit turpis finibus vel.


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Content Content Content
Content Content Content But Longer
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Content Content Content
Content Content Content




Pronoun Table Test


They play blaseball.

Blaseball belongs to it.

The player brought xyr blaseball bat.

At least I think it was faers.

E played Blaseball zirself.

Beta Banner Test

Beta Content
The following content pertains to earlier eras of Blaseball and may not be relevant to the current version of the game.
Beta Content
The following content pertains to earlier eras of Blaseball and may not be relevant to the current version of the game.

Player History

For a list of all former players, see Category:Former Breckenridge Jazz Hands Players.

Date Removed Added Cause
Toggle Intrateam Moves (Fax, Voicemail, etc.)
02 80 Alexandria Dracaena Hendricks Richardson 👐 Incineration
03 23 Ogden Mendoza August Sky 👐 Incineration
03 EL Bevan Underbuck Nagomi Mcdaniel 🏝️ Blessing (👐) Highway Robbery
03 EL Nagomi Mcdaniel Holden Stanton 🦀 Blessing (🦀) Headhunter
04 25 Tot Fox Valentine Games 🦀 Feedback
05 EL Holden Stanton Nagomi Mcdaniel 🦀 Blessing (👐) Seduction
05 EL August Sky Combs Estes 🥩 Blessing (🥩) The Plan? Hit From The Mound
06 22 Valentine Games Conrad Vaughan 📱 Feedback
06 41 Comfort Septemberish Collins Melon 🕵️ Feedback
06 44 Hendricks Richardson Randall Marijuana 🌞 Feedback
06 84 Randall Marijuana Steph Weeks 👐 Incineration Marijuana later Released during the Season 10 elections
06 EL Nagomi Mcdaniel Holden Stanton 🦀 Blessing (🦀) Headhunter
07 EL Aldon Cashmoney Elijah Valenzuela 🏝️ Blessing (🏝️) Popular by Association
10 EL - Wyatt Pothos 🥜 Fell from THE SHELLED ONE'S PODS
12 61 Agan Harrison Edric Tosser 🔥 Feedback
12 99 - Yams Rolsenthal 👐 Playoff Birth
13 98 Combs Estes Dervin Gorczyca 👐 Incineration
13 EL Holden Stanton August Sky 🥩 Will (👐) Exchange
14 LS - Wyatt Mason II 👐 Localized into Lineup
14 78 Wyatt Mason II - Echoed into Static
16 48 - Liquid Friend 💋 Attractor Batted in by Tamara Crankit
16 EL Conrad Vaughan Mikan Hammer 📱 Will (📱) Equivalent Exchange
18 03 Tamara Crankit Zippy DeShields 👐 Incineration
18 06 Howell Rocha Riley Firewall 🚤 Feedback
18 54 Bauer Zimmerman Lancelot Kane 👐 Incineration
18 EL 00Wyatt Pothos Logan Rodriguez Will (👐) Equivalent Exchange
19 EL Logan Rodriguez Wyatt Pothos Will (👐) Equivalent Exchange
19 EL - Jasper Blather 🕵️ Roamin'
20 99 - Yams Sokol 👐 Playoff Birth
0020 EL Liquid Friend Returned to 🏅 Returned to the Vault Investigation complete.
21 LS - Pitching Machine II 👐 Gift Shop
21 99 - Munavoi Rochester 👐 Overbracket Playoff Birth
0021 EL Jasper Blather Comfort Septemberish 🌞 Will (👐) Equivalent Exchange
0121 EL Comfort Septemberish Quack Enjoyable 🕵️ Will (🕵️) Equivalent Exchange
0321 EL Pitching Machine II Returned to 🏅 Faded to Dust
22 54 Kathy Mathews Super roamed to 🌹 Super Roamin' The Fifth Base
22 LS - Liquid Friend IX 👐 Gift Shop
22 LS - Uncle Plasma IX 👐 Gift Shop
22 EL Yams Rolsenthal Sent to 🎸 Blessing (🎸) Gachapon
22 EL Liquid Friend IX Returned to 🏅 Faded to Dust
22 EL Uncle Plasma IX Returned to 🏅 Faded to Dust
23 36 - Chorby Short 🥩 Super Roamin' The Fifth Base
23 44 Stephens Lightner Sent to 🐅 Phantom Thieves' Guild (🐅)
23 69 Campos Arias Sent to 🌹 Phantom Thieves' Guild (🌹)
23 83 Lowe Forbes Sent to 🌹 Phantom Thieves' Guild (🌹)
23 95 Spears Rogers Famous Owens 🐅 Feedback
23 95 Walton Sports Siobhan Chark 🐅 Feedback
23 95 Famous Owens Spears Rogers 🐅 Feedback
23 99 - Mags Highlife 👐 Underbracket Playoff Birth
23 SC Baby Doyle Drafted by 💫 Drafted to the ILB Semi-Centennial (💫)
23 SC Collins Melon Drafted by 💫 Drafted to the ILB Semi-Centennial (💫)
23 SC - Baby Doyle 💫 Returned from the ILB Semi-Centennial
23 EL Brewer Vapor Sent to 🌮 Blessing (🌮) Gachapon
24 35 Mags Highlife Sent to 🌮 Phantom Thieves' Guild (🌮)