Riley Firewall

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Riley Firewall is a pitcher for the Breckenridge Jazz Hands, and has been with the team since Season 18, Day 6. Firewall has played for the Miami Dale.

Official League Records

Firewall joined the ILB as a lineup player for the Miami Dale on Season 13, Day 43 after the incineration of Raúl Leal.

During the Season 17 elections, Firewall became a pitcher due to the Dale's Move will.

On Season 18, Day 6, Firewall was exchanged to the Breckenridge Jazz Hands due to Feedback. Firewall was replaced by Howell Rocha.

During the Season 19 earlsiesta, Firewall was given the Undertaker modification as part of the seasonal reading.

Over the course of Season 23, Firewall entered and exited the Jazz Hands' Shadows two times as a result of Breckenridge Community Field Fax Machine events, ending the Season on the pitching rotation.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Testimony on Riley Firewall's Background

Stories swirl about Riley Firewall in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill. Wiki archivists have dutifully recorded some of them in a Rumor Registry, summarized for easy research. These are the notes for one story from IF-23.3M0...

Riley Firewall is the younger sibling of former Miami Dale player Raúl Leal, though not much is known about Firewall's life prior to their recruitment to the ILB.
It is believed that prior to the events of Leal's last game, Firewall lacked the distinctive eyepatch that they have worn throughout their career; however, the player is notoriously tight-lipped on the subject, and hides the patch under a curtain of fire hair.

Early Life

Firewall was often seen in the stands spectating Dale games when Leal would play. After games, it was not uncommon to see the two sharing earbuds and excitedly discussing the game. It is understood that Leal was Firewall's entree into blaseball, and taught them how to play in their childhood backyard.

The Incineration of Raúl Leal

On the day of the incineration, witnesses recounted that Firewall appeared to see the attack coming, and attempted to stop it. Leal turned towards the stands and smiled, and Firewall leapt over the wall to intercept. The ensuing explosion of fire engulfed Leal, Firewall, and the Umpire. After the smoke cleared, only Firewall was left on the charred ground, clutching a charred splinter of the Iffey Jr. in one hand and their eye in the other. They were quickly ushered from the field by team manager Mr. Wide while replacement deliberations were made.
After a brief time out, Firewall returned to the field with a bandage covering their left eye, and began to play. Spectators and opponents noted in later interviews that Firewall played the rest of the game with an intense focus, only looking to the crowd once when the game was over, to fix their gaze upon the darkly tinted spectator box high in the stands and point their bat directly at it.

Personal Life

Firewall is a notoriously unsociable recruit, rarely giving interviews or making appearances at league functions. Rumours of a secret relationship with Atlantis Georgias player Geraldine Frost have swirled since they were spotted together on the outskirts of an afterparty in a Miami club, but both are tight-lipped when questioned. Of this rumour, Miami Dale star hitter and Party Animals founder Logan Horseman said "why snitch when you can pitch?" When it was pointed out to Horseman that he was, in fact, not a pitcher, he fell backwards into a pool full of red Jello, ending the line of questioning.

Since Joining the Jazz Hands Firewall has been introduced to Liquid Friend and introduced them to Frost at one of the Pockets productions, since then the three of them have been seen together and this has sparked rumors of a relationship between the three of them, one popular ship name being Thermodynamic Equilovebrium.

It has been suggested that Firewall was both present at, and responsible for, the 2013 split of New Jersey alternative rock band My Chemical Romance. Investigation into the incident is ongoing.

Breckenridge Jazz Hands

Riley Firewall joined the Breckenridge Jazz Hands in Season 18 after a Feedback swap with Howell Rocha. Firewall handled the Feedback well, taking it as an opportunity to get away from Miami and the ghosts they left behind there. Firewall was sent off to Breckenridge by Rocha, who manifested to Firewall as Raúl Leal during and after the swap.

In Breckenridge, Firewall participates in local outdoor activities that generally involve disappearing periodically into the mountains, such as snowboarding and nature walks. They also try to participate in the theatre culture of The Pocket by helping run door for tragedy productions that they pretend not to have interest in. Despite generally pretending to not care or have interest in their teammates or their activities, Firewall still partakes in team activities such as the regular team jam sessions where they play guitar and sing. Firewall even recruited Steph Weeks into their band to play drums. They also have been learning more ASL from Weeks and Mikan Hammer.

The Firewall

While playing for the Jazz Hands, Firewall became known by fans as just “The Firewall.” On Day 54 of Season 18, then-new to the team Firewall watched the incineration of Bauer Zimmerman from their spot on the mound, a second incineration in one season for the still-mourning Jazz Hands. From that point, fans and players noticed that Firewall was unusually focused during Solar Eclipse weather. It also became clear that Jazz Hands players were coming out the other side alive. Firewall became known amongst fans as a good luck charm in an otherwise harrowing situation.

Firewall truly became The Firewall on Day 23 of Season 21 when they faced the Debt-having Silvaire Roadhouse in a game versus the Boston Flowers. Firewall pitched a shutout until the eighth inning when Roadhouse stepped up to the plate. Teammates reported seeing Firewall pause on the mound as if listening for something, before walking Roadhouse. When asked about their performance in a postgame interview, Firewall said “I could hear Them, feel Them around me. I thought I heard Raúl, and then another voice. It told me to let Silvaire walk, so I did.”

Firewall upheld their reputation in Season 23 when the Day 14 eclipse against the Hellmouth Sunbeams went by without an Incineration, breaking what fans call the “JazzBeams Double Incineration Curse.” The curse became something fans feared after the double incineration of Combs Estes and Sutton Bishop occurred ten seasons after the double incineration of Ogden Mendoza and Velasquez Meadows. Ultimately, with Firewall on the mound, a third double incineration did not come to pass, and the curse was broken.

Fan Works