Sutton Bishop

From Blaseball Wiki

Sutton Bishop are a lineup player for the Hellmouth Sunbeams and have been with the team since Season 5, Day 91, replacing Emmett Internet.

Official League Records

Bishop joined the league on Season 5, Day 91, after the incineration of Emmett Internet in a game against the Hades Tigers.

During the Season 9 Election the Hellmouth Sunbeams received the Mutually Arising blessing, which increased Bishop's defense from to .

During the Season 10 Election the Sunbeams received the Sharing Signs blessing, which increased Bishop's batting to .

During the Coffee Cup, Bishop played for Inter Xpresso as a pitcher.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.


Sutton Bishop, the player, is the only way the inhabitants of Bishop Sutton can interact with the outside world. It's a goose. It's absolutely ripped. And it only has one setting: Blaseball.

Alexander Horne

Bishop Sutton (grid reference ST587597) was a small village within the Chew Valley in Somerset. It lay east of Chew Valley Lake and north east of the Mendip Hills, approximately ten miles south of Bristol on the A368, Weston-super-Mare to Bath road. Bishop Sutton and the neighbouring village of Stowey formed the civil parish of Stowey Sutton until THE SUMMONING occured.

Following on from THE SUMMONING, Bishop Sutton is now a small village located within a quaint British pocket dimension. There is no known way to enter or exit Bishop Sutton. The neighbouring village of Stowey is now confused, but will get over the loss with time.

They are currently playing for the Hellmouth Sunbeams through Sutton Bishop, a shape-shifting construct with a cricket bat.


During a local bly-election, the people of Bishop Sutton found themselves inexplicably voting for an alternative option on their ballot paper known as "THE SUMMONING" the results were as follows:

The Bishop Sutton Bly-Election
Name Party Total Votes Placed
Mrs. Bishop Sutton-Dripping The Popular People's Party of Bishop Sutton 0 2nd
Mr. Bishop Sutton-Sedgewick The Bishop Sutton Liberation Front 0 2nd
Lord Bishop Sutton III The Bishop Sutton Independence Party 0 2nd
Rev. Bishop Sutton-Robinson The Labour Party 0 2nd
Miss Bishop Sutton Jr. The Liberal Democrats 0 2nd
Mr Bishop Sutton Jr. The Conservative and Unionist Party 0 2nd
Spoiled Ballots - 5 -

Immediately after the count, the village and all of its inhabitants found themselves transported into a pocket dimension, where all roads led back to the village itself. When this even happened is down to debate, as no one can remember a time before THE SUMMONING.

Since THE SUMMONING, no human being has been able to leave Bishop Sutton, regardless of how hard they try—but the village elders wonder why anyone would actually want to leave, as Bishop Sutton is absolutely lovely, has won Village of The Year on several occasions in the past, and is a contender for this year's Britain in Bloom competition.

The Sun's Blessing

The Sun, taking pity on the now lost village, created an avatar for them to control known as Sutton Bishop. The Sun searched the village to build an entity strong enough to be imbued with the wishes of every villager; it looked at the people, the animals, the plants and the buildings of Bishop Sutton for inspiration.

The power of The Sun coupled with the strange desires of the people of Bishop Sutton produced the quasi-shape-shifting avatar known as Sutton Bishop. A mysterious psychic connection was made between the avatar and the local pub The Hellmouth that allows anyone within the pub to have some control over Bishop (providing they are over the legal drinking age).

The Hellmouth Pub

In order to control Bishop, the villagers of Bishop Sutton gather in the village's pub, the Bishop Sutton Hellmouth Pub. The pub was always called the Hellmouth Pub, of course, and every day the villagers have always shown up to cheer on their avatar.

During the events of Emmett Internet's incineration, a minor hellmouth opened in the basement of the pub, connecting the village to the outside world for the fist time since THE SUMMONING. The minor hellmouth was just the right size to allow Bishop to escape the village into the real world.

Pub-goers are able to watch the antics of Sutton Bishop via a small, cheap box TV with dodgy satellite reception.

The collective mood and energy of the crowd of Blaseball watchers drives Bishop, directing their movements and actions, though the avatar inside occasionally fights back and goes off and does their own thing.

Strangely, the Bishop Sutton Model Village and Tea Gardens does not have a model of The Hellmouth where The Hellmouth should be, instead it has some kind of dark, forboding smear that gives you a headache if you look at it for too long.

The Mechanics of Sutton Bishop

Sutton Bishop's behaviour varies wildly depending on which villagers are currently in the pub, how drunk they are, and whether or not the avatar's brain inside Bishop's shape-shifting body has assumed direct control.

When controlled by the villagers, Sutton Bishop tends to be a reasonably decent creature. But due to the differing opinions of the people controlling them, they will wildly swing between different choices, moods and opinions.

When controlled by the avatar, the entity known as Sutton Bishop is referred to as "it" or "that horrible thing" by those around it. The change in personality is dramatic and terrifying, as Bishop gives into the beast within. In this state Sutton Bishop is extremely unpredictable, often reverting to a goose-like form, stealing objects, honking loudly, and mutating into unspeakable shapes of feathery terror.

There are those who have asked if the avatar of Sutton Bishop has a gender. It does. It has your gender. It took it when you were not looking and are running off with it. You will never catch it.

Shortly after Bishop joined the team, Sunbeams pitcher Sandoval Crossing offered to have the avatar move in with them. The pair have been roommates since, and have grown quite close. The avatar now spends most of its free time on the ball field, within Sigmund Castillo's walls, or hanging out with Crossing at their apartment in the Hellmouth.

Known Forms

  1. A Horrible Goose with Multiple Tentacles
  2. A Horrible Goose With Multiple Heads
  3. A Bizarre Combination of 1 and 2
  4. An Elemental Made From Sod and Loam
  5. A Handsome Forest Elemental
  6. A Pub With Legs
  7. A Tombola Machine


Season 5

Bishop arrived on the field shortly after Emmett Internet's incineration. Some technical difficulties were had due to the strange reverberations of the new minor Hellmouth opening in the vicinity of the Bishop Sutton Hellmouth Pub, resulting in the confusion of fans and villagers alike as the new Bishop took up their bat for the Sunbeams.
