Ttayw Nosam

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Revision as of 20:56, 28 December 2021 by UnabashedlyRose (talk | contribs)

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Wyatt Mason is a pitcher for the Breckenridge Jazz Hands and joined the team in Season 14 as part of the Second Wyatt Masoning.

Do you hear something?
Who are you? Let me take a closer look.

Who are you?

Static over the breeze as you try to find the right frequency.
Sutton Picklestein/IF-13.1.12-D,
Does this sound right?

Ornithomantic Assignation

A scrap of faded parchment is inscribed in fresh ink by the Augur's hand.

A collection of these notes was located in a file cabinet within the Yellowstone National Park Ballpark offices, all sharing a similar handwriting and purpose. Each note describes a member of the Yellowstone Magic, in synchronicity with a known reality counterpart, but as a particular species of bird. It remains unclear why the Augur is scrying these particular ornithomancies and what purpose they may serve, but the findings are dutifully recorded and cataloged when new ones are discovered.

Scrying target: Sutton Picklestein (Magic lineup, energy being?)

Ornithomantic assignation: red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) - widespread range, many distinct plumage variations. Do not mistake ubiquity with mundanity!

Appearance is consistent with leucism (reduction of pigmentation), with the exception of eyes (should be blue; leucism does not confer glowing eyes!) and an all-encompassing corona of indeterminate energy - effect on plumage appearance is akin to sun-induced bleaching, but appears to come from within(?) - distinct greenish-yellow tinge, source unclear. Strong aroma of dill associated (expected).

Individual is otherwise unremarkable. Reserved, yet communicating a rather ebullient air. I have found my spirits lifted by even the briefest observation. I have also found it difficult to shed the glowing afterimage of the individual - strong residual energies (!!!)

Relation to Owen Picklestein? -unable to confirm (outside of scrying range. pity.)

Arachismic-legumic reactivity: poor. One known report from Season β6 resulting in deficit in defense and hitting. (consistent)

Sanguinicity: siphon recipient of a portion of Miguel Wheeler's hitting. Noted improvement in Season β7. (consistent!)

Migration status: nonmigratory (as of yet)

Ley line attunement: well grounded (??)

This one bears follow up, if only to properly discern precise energy signatures. I'm not sure-

The parchment is torn beyond those words.

That sounds right. No need to investigate this page further.