Yusef Fenestrate

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Yusef Fenestrate is a player for the Baltimore Crabs and has been with the team since Fall Ball. Fenestrate has played for the Tokyo Lift.

Official League Records

Fenestrate joined the ILB as a lineup player for the Tokyo Lift during the Season β10 elections after the Ascension of the Baltimore Crabs.

During the Coffee Cup, Fenestrate played for Heavy FC as a lineup player.

On Season β20, Day 59, Fenestrate was swept  Elsewhere... and gained the Negative modification as a result of Nandy Slumps's Undertaker modification.

During the Season β21 elections, Fenestrate gained the 2x modification as a result of the Lift's Magnify will.

During the December 23, 2022 Fall Ball, Fenestrate fell to the Baltimore Crabs.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Box of Yusef Fenestrate Files

Dust billows as the file box lands on the table. While many archives in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill are unified in some way, this... definitely isn’t one of them. The accompanying Rumor Registry explains all of the contents... wherever it is... but for now you grab the folder labelled IF-89.328 and start reading...


Near the beginning of Fenestrate’s ILB career, rumors began circulating that Fenestrate has a window where their face should be. These rumors are completely untrue, and anyone who spreads them is a malicious liar. It just happens to be that their face looks remarkably like a window from certain angles; when you closely inspect Fenestrate, you can easily make out features of a normal human’s face, such as two average eyes and one unremarkable mouth. There is no window there. Do not attempt to look into the window.

Along with these rumors came questions, such as “how do they eat?”, and “how can they talk?”. The answer is obvious when you disregard these evil lies; in both cases, they use their normal, human mouth that is not a glass pane. It can be difficult to see mouth movement due to the way they speak and the fact that they don’t eat around others. The popular theory that they eat by opening the window and inserting food is completely nonsensical. If they even had a window on their face, the ILB would’ve specifically instructed them to keep the window shut at all times. Hypothetically, of course. Do not attempt to look into the window.

Occasionally, overly curious fans who fall for these unfounded claims feel the need to get close to Fenestrate in order to look into the window that isn’t on their face. Each of these people have claimed to be motivated by “a silent voice within them” to peer into the fallacious glass. Anyone who attempts to look into the window is immediately detained and interrogated by special bodyguards assigned to Fenestrate by ILB officials. These bodyguards are for everyone’s safety. Do not attempt to look into the window.

If you feel yourself beginning to believe that Fenestrate has a window where their face should be, please listen to reason and ignore these incorrect ideas until they go away. If you can’t rid yourself of these malicious thoughts, or worse, you begin to feel the urge to look into the window, please report yourself to an ILB official for emergency re-education. This is for your own good.

Do not attempt to look into the window.

Just listen to them talk about jigsaw puzzles or something.

List of Notable Hobbies, Skills, and Interests

Fenestrate is known by many as someone with many interests and talents. Some of their peers have mentioned that every time you look away, it always seems as though they are up to something new and refreshing. There may be some truth to that:

  • Physicist
  • Notary
  • Multilingual
  • Weaver
  • Free diver
  • Fisherman (learned with Elwin McGhee after their alternation)
  • Tightrope walker
  • They also play Internet League Blaseball on the side

Fan Works


For more fanfiction, go to the Yusef Fenestrate tag on AO3.
