Logan Rodriguez

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Logan Rodriguez is a player for the Dallas Steaks, and has been with the team since Fall Ball. Rodriguez has played for the Breckenridge Jazz Hands and Yellowstone Magic.

Official League Records

Rodriguez joined the ILB as a pitcher for the Yellowstone Magic with the Return of Blaseball.

On Season β2, Game 97, the Yellowstone Magic were two games behind the Charleston Shoe Thieves in the Chaotic Good Division. Rodriguez gave up 10 runs to the Los Angeles Tacos, including 7 in the 8th inning, immediately eliminating the Magic from the playoff race. Fans named the infamous inning "Old Man Logan's Inning".

On Season β3, Game 2, Rodriguez began to redeem themselves with their first appearance in Season 3, pitching a shutout game against the Dallas Steaks in the middle of the Magic's series sweep. The Magic began the season 7-0, ending with another Rodriguez-led win.

During the Season β5 elections, Rodriguez's batting and baserunning fell as a part of the Charleston Shoe Thieves' Bad Neighbors blessing.

During the Season β9 elections, Rodriguez received the Siphon modification due to the passing of the Forecast: Blooddrain decree.

On Season β16, Day 30, Rodriguez became a lineup player due to Reverb.

Rodriguez was traded to the Breckenridge Jazz Hands in exchange for Wyatt Pothos during the Season β18 elections via the Jazz Hands' Equivalent Exchange will, becoming a pitcher in the process.

Rodriguez was traded back to the Yellowstone Magic in exchange for Wyatt Pothos during the Season β19 elections via the Jazz Hands' Equivalent Exchange will, becoming a lineup player again in the process.

On Season β21, Day 81, Rodriguez retreated to the Magic's Shadows in exchange for Washer Barajas at Yellowstone National (Ball)Park via the Ratified Voicemail.

During the Season β21 Elections, Rodriguez received Alternate and Negative when the Magic were blessed with Shadow Alternate Trust. As a result of becoming an alternate, Rodriquez's stats were randomized.

During the Season β22 elections, Rodriguez rejoined the Magic's active roster via the Magic's Move will. Rodriguez also gained the Skipping modification and lost the Negative modification as a result of the Record Scratch and Roster Flip blessings.

Over the course of Season β23, Rodriguez entered and exited the Magic's Shadows two times as a result of Yellowstone National (Ball)Park Fax Machine and Voicemail events, ending the Season on the pitching rotation.

During the December 16, 2022 Fall Ball, Rodriguez fell to the Dallas Steaks.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Box of Logan Rodriguez Files

Dust billows as the file box lands on the table. While many archives in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill are unified in some way, this... definitely isn’t one of them. The accompanying Rumor Registry explains all of the contents... wherever it is... but for now you grab the folder labelled IF-89.257 and start reading...

Logan Rodriguez is a particularly ancient looking man of unknown origins. He claims to have been alive for several hundred years, and has dedicated his time to studying the natural world. Knowledgeable in the fields of botany, geography, zoology, and others, "Old Man" Logan can generally be found collecting specimens across the park, and maintains a massive body of research on the natural workings of Yellowstone.

He is skilled in a number of the druid arts, and can often be found being consulted by other orders on his daily nature hikes through the park. He has a particular affinity with small mammals, and is often followed by at least one wolverine as he proceeds about his daily business. He has on several occasions petitioned for the more talented of these wolverines to join the Magic as part of the team's catching staff, though has had little success convincing Coach Merlinmeyer of the idea's validity.

Rodriguez was not invited to join the team, but instead forced his way onto the roster after several other pitching candidates dropped out of consideration claiming a general lack of sleep, and "bad, wolverine related, omens." He has a passion for the splort, but seems mostly interested in the close relationship it allows him to maintain with Yellowstone, which he believes to have a number of undiscovered magical properties.

Alas, very little of this actually helps him on the mound.

Rodriguez is best known for his inconsistent performance on the mound which has let to both shutouts and chokes, the most notable being "Old Man Logan's Inning."

In an attempt to become more consistent after Season Four, Rodriguez eschewed his usual winter workouts with his wolverine catchers. Instead he traveled to Yellowstone's Death Zone to pitch to the park's most fearsome hitters - the Rhison created by American zoologists in the 1980s. Batting with their horns, they have incredible power, but also the patience to spray balls all over Yellowstone Park's massive surface. Armed with the Knowledge of the Rhison, he pitched the Magic to victory in his first start of Season Five.

Later on, Logan sequestered himself away for some time in between Seasons 9 and 10 in an unknown location possibly within the Parkpark, but this is yet unconfirmed. Yellowstone Magic medical staff discovered, during a routine pre-season checkup, that Logan had taken it upon himself to significantly alter his physical form during this time. (Note: 'significantly altered' is defined as, 'something more than just a haircut or some nail polish or something, use your judgement' according to the medical staff handbook)

His body is now coated in a mass of organic matter which seems to have formed a symbiotic relationship with him. It is unknown if this mass is blood moss or some form of fungus, but the medical staff did have to admit it looked "pretty cool" hanging off of his shoulders. As a result, either through the study of Blood Magic, or potentially bonding with the sanguine elements of the wilds, Logan has gained a powerful ability to siphon the blood from other living beings. And along with this power, he has gained a thirst to match. The medical staff was not harmed during the physical examination.

Remarkably, it appears that infusions of blood can also reverse the effect of ageing on Logan's body, putting his status as the resident "Old Man" in question. He claimed that, given sufficient license to partake, he could even return himself to his former peak of physical fitness. Though team management remains skeptical, and eager to push Logan towards retirement, they have agreed to wait and observe this phenomenon before taking further action.

Potential updates to come later this season.

Fan Works