Brock Forbes

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Brock Forbes was a pitcher for the Boston Flowers, was with the team from the Season 15 elections until being incinerated on Season 22, Day 19. Forbes previously played for the Baltimore Crabs.

Official League Records

Forbes joined the ILB as a pitcher for the Baltimore Crabs with the Return of Blaseball.

During the Season 5 elections, Forbes received boosts in all ratings as a result of the Horde Hallucinations and Rollback Netcode blessings.

On Season 6, Day 1, Forbes's batting ability was siphoned by Yellowstone Magic lineup player Annie Roland in a game with Blooddrain weather, bringing it from to . Forbes was the first to be subject to Blooddrain's weather effects.

On Season 10, Day X, Forbes pitched against THE SHELLED ONE'S PODS, and lost after a single hit. Forbes then gained the Mild modification. Due to the Crabs' subsequent Ascension, Forbes was absent from the ILB from the Season 10 elections until the Descension.

During the Season 12 elections, Forbes' defense was increased by 3.3 4.0 as a result of the Crabs' The Rack blessing. Additionally, Forbes benefited from a 3.7 4.3 increase to pitching as a result of the Firefighters' Tag Team Pitching blessing.

Forbes was traded to the Boston Flowers in exchange for Parker Parra during the Season 15 elections via the Flowers' Equivalent Exchange will.

During the Season 17 elections, Forbes' Overpowerment was increased and their Unthwackability was decreased as a result of the Grounded blessing.

On Season 22, Day 19, Forbes was incinerated and replaced by Backpatch Rolsenthal.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Box of Brock Forbes Files

Dust billows as the file box lands on the table. While many archives in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill are unified in some way, this... definitely isn’t one of them. The accompanying Rumor Registry explains all of the contents... wherever it is... but for now you grab the folder labelled IF-30.121 and start reading...

Both Brock and Axel Trololol are superbly chill individuals, who are very good at going with the flow. They get along superbly well whenever they are around. However, if the rumors are true about Axel being a metaphorical time bomb of amoral power-hungry sheer will, it makes more sense as to why the two of them seem so close. While the Crabs as a whole have taken on the reponsibility of being Axel's moral compass, Brock in particular would have jumped to the role with great interest, not out of a place of doing what's right, but out of the pragmatic sense of keeping an eye on a dangerous individual as the de-facto protector of the Crabs from monsters not unlike him. The two of them are good friends, enjoy one another's company, invite each other over to chill, and are fully prepared to kill the other if it comes down to it.


  • "Can't stop the Brock"
  • "Brock our Rock"

In Literature

Runolfio Peeper, the Crabs Poet Laureate, wrote the following ditty about Forbes:

A haze of smoke drifts from the pitcher’s mound
Where Brock (or “Fat Joint”) Forbes can now be found.
All know performance boosting drugs are banned
But drugs that make you worse? Those are just grand!

In terms of blaseball rankings Brock is meager
His bat is weak—his blunt is the big leaguer
Dazed and high, Brock often flunks his pitch
But measured by his chill Forbes is thrice rich.


  • Forbes can frequently be seen spacing out on the pitcher's mound before a pitch.

Fan Works