Basking Robins

From Blaseball Wiki

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Basking Robins is a ice cream parlour in Hellmouth.


Well-situated in the midtown commercial district on Old 191, Basking Robins is located approximately 500m south of the Solarium and is a popular spot for locals to grab a snack after a community event held in the ballpark. A sunny courtyard backing onto the bottomless maw of the Hellmouth itself is well-apportioned, sporting comfortable seating and slabs of luxurious granite for sunbathers. Their "fireproof, non-melting" ice cream is a noted favourite of Hellmouth Sunbeams pitcher Miguel James.

The store is owned and operated by Stormdrain "Accolades" Filimore, a bird-lizard person who also runs an underground fighting ring for birds from the store's basement. In response to concerns raised by animal welfare groups, the Hellmouth Feadtheration of Pugilist Avians issued a statement that "nobody's making us fight down there, we actually enjoy it and it's great to let steam off."

Mainstream coverage of the sport remains limited, though enjoys a small but dedicated fan following within Hellmouth. Monthly bouts organised by Boxer Robins, an endemic Hellmouth Fauna, are one of the more popular events. Despite the name, knock-out tournaments are far more popular than round robins (though all tournament brackets are seeded, per HFPA regulations).


Basking Robins boasts an ever-rotating selection of "flavours", catering to the diverse tastes, dietary requirements, and sensory ranges exhibited by the citizens of Hellmouth. Basking Robins guarantees 1,312 flavours are always available, though the majority of customers will lack the sensory capacity to perceive all available flavours at once.

Currently available ice cream flavours

  • Strawbebby
  • Mint and Lamb Swirl
  • Nagomi Guava
  • Rock Lobster
  • Mint Chocolate Chip
  • Hot
  • Onion
  • Cicada
  • Art Deco
  • Ooze
  • Void
  • Cherry Vanilla
  • Leather
  • Dippin' Duds
  • Nostalgia
  • Rosewater
  • Try It, You'll Like It
  • Antithetical
  • Hell's Best SumBeans
  • Cursed

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  • Squiddish
  • Crisp Autumn Breeze
  • Toast on Toast
  • Number 87: Lactose- and Carbon- Free!

Ice Beans

As well as the perennial favourite SumBean-flavoured ice cream, Basking Robins also serves a delicious, frozen product crafted from the Hellmouth delicacy itself. The current flavour range consists of:

  • BBQ
  • Pinto
  • Black
  • Refried
  • Pancake Syrup