Sixpack Dogwalker

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Sixpack Dogwalker is a pitcher for the Hawaii Fridays. Dogwalker has been with the team since Season 4, Day 86 after replacing Thomas England due to incineration, and joined as a hitter before being affected by a Reverb shuffle in Season 5.

Official League Records

Bangers & Smash

See the main article on this topic: The Waveback Event#Death & Rebirth of Sixpack Dogwalker

Following The Waveback Event on Season 4, Day 88 (only two days after joining the League), Dogwalker began wielding the unique bat Bangers & Smash — the first of its kind to not be granted by a blessing. Additionally, Dogwalker's pre-game ritual was updated to "Talking to the Microphone," which is the first in-game mention of The Microphone as a character.

Season 5

After a Reverb shuffle on Season 5, Day 6, Dogwalker switched positions from batter to pitcher.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Personal Life

Some Fridays fans have described Sixpack as a "conglomodog," or a conglomeration of dogs, dogs, dogs. No one has been able to describe Sixpack the same way twice, as Sixpack's appearance seems to change whenever you look at her. Notably, York Silk claims he sees the same dogs every time, but when asked to describe her, reporters only hear static. Baldwin Breadwinner says she can understand York just fine, but the description does not match what she sees when looking at Sixpack. Breadwinner also refuses to relay York's description, saying, "I ain't no snitch."

Per Hawaiian Klennel Cllub rules, the individual splortsdogs comprising Sixpack have registered show names and breed information, as follows:

  • Reis Plumbife (Cocker Daniel)
  • Chawin' Tom (Great Albertine)
  • Mister Mister Mister (White Chocolate Mendez)
  • Eoin Perlmutter (Lesser Coyhowler)
  • His Duchess Goodlad Unitary III (Maltese)
  • Margaritas Baby! (Chicanery Retriever)

The conglomeration identifies as bisexual in aggregate and is a Very Good Girls. Though Dogwalker is generally called a "dogs" rather than "dog," and other descriptor nouns used to describe her are, similarly, always plural, she is always referred to by singular grammar.

Bangers & Smash

Sixpack Dogwalker wields a special bat named Bangers & Smash. Shortly after the game ended on Day 86, wherein Thomas England was incinerated and Dogwalker appeared, the spacetime continuum broke. Sixpack says she didn't notice anything, even though when the day started at Day 88, she was now holding what appeared to be Thomas England's still-flaming femur. Sixpack has been reported to growl sternly at anyone who tries to take her bone away.
