Randall Marijuana

From Blaseball Wiki

Revision as of 23:09, 4 September 2020 by Nameoftheyear (talk | contribs) (Added art, code cleanup)

Randall "Randy" Marijuana is a lineup player for the Hellmouth Sunbeams. Marijuana has been with the Hellmouth Sunbeams since Season 1. They are particularly known for their signature double-play with fellow lineup player and teammate Alaynabella Hollywood.

Official League Records


Marijuana received the Precognition blessing at the end of Season 4, increasing Marijuana's batting stats by to a total of .


Marijuana hit a two-run home run on Season 4, Day 20, in the tenth inning against the Mexico City Wild Wings.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

In a post-match interview, Marijuana (in tears) called this "the greatest day of my career."


During his "second" season, Marijuana was warned by Assistant Coach Nakamura that if he didn't stop striking out so often, their Minecraft save file would be deleted. In a pivotal game against the Canada Moist Talkers, Marijuana struck out, leading to the Sunbeams being Shamed. Coach immediately destroyed Marijuana's save file as a consequence.

After receiving the Precognition blessing at the end of Season 4, Marijuana gained the ability to see out of his cat's eyes. This ability, combined with being constantly stoned, has resulted in Randy being able to make startlingly accurate predictions about upcoming pitches.

Personal Life

His brother, Dominic Marijuana, plays for the New York Millennials. Randy is named for his grandfather, Randolfus von Marijuana, the man credited as the first to defeat a whale in single combat using a tapered wooden rod instead of the usual harpoon.

Marijuana is often praised for their powerful batting despite their young age. While it's technically against the rules, they make a habit of skateboarding from base to base.

Marijuana lives simultaneously on Fifth and, tragically, in the Hellmouth. During Season 4, his Hellmouth apartment was vandalised by what later forensic reports summarised as "anywhere between one and infinite cats". Following debate with his team-mates, Randall now owns exactly one cat.

Off the field, Marijuana has been known to wear windbreakers in garish colors, reminiscent of teens of decades past. They are an avid fan of Minecraft, weed, and friend and teammate Alaynabella Hollywood.

Marijuana is a fan of Miami Dalé player Peanut Bong.
