Yasslyn Statter Jr.

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Revision as of 09:54, 21 January 2023 by Ariokart (talk | contribs)

Yasslyn Statter Jr. is a player in the Shadows for the Hawai'i Fridays, and has been with the team since the Season β17 Endseason.

Official League Records

Statter Jr. joined the ILB as a player in the Shadows for the Hawai'i Fridays as the Fridays' Season β17 Playoff Birth.

During the Season β19 elections, Statter Jr. joined the Fridays' pitching rotation in exchange for Mordecai Kingbird as a result of the Fridays' Foreshadow will.

On Season β20, Day 25, Statter Jr. swallowed a stray peanut and had a allergic reaction, resulting in a combined 7.1 2.6 stat decrease. On Day 49, Statter Jr.'s allergy was cured by Hawai'i Viberight Field's Peanut Mister. During the Season β20 elections, Statter Jr. retreated to the Fridays' Shadows as a result of the Fridays' Move will.

During the Season β22 elections, Statter Jr.'s star ratings were completely randomized as a result of the Shadow Alternate Trust blessing, resulting in Statter Jr. becoming an Alternate, gaining the Negative modification, and a combined 5.0 5.7 stat increase.

Player History

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Yasslyn Statter Jr., sometimes known as Yass, was born and raised in the Sovereign Nation of Hawai'i.  Statter is currently a college student, majoring in Marine Biology. Statter is a practicing Muslim, and wears a hijab. Outside of thxir current splort, Statter is a competitive swimmer at thxir university, hosts a podcast called “Yasslyn Statter’s Wraslin’ Chatter,” and volunteers with multiple local non-profit organizations, largely centered around conservation.

Statter was raised with a strong background in aquatics, and as such retains a fondness for the local marine life of Hawai’i. Much of thxir volunteer work mirrors this, as has thxir conversations with the Fridays, who heartily support Statter’s activities outside of Blaseball.

Statter was recruited to the team following a deal with Our Lady of Perpetual Friday, who offered to extend the best day of the week for Statter so that thxy could have more time to continue thxir involvement in thxir numerous activities. Not only was Friday the one day Statter did not have class, but it now provides ample time to continue swimming, hosting a podcast, and advocating for expansions of protections for the wildlife of Hawai’i - as well as practicing thxir pitching.

Statter declines to comment on Yasslyn Statter Sr., though multiple teammates have observed thxm depositing or retrieving envelopes (presumably with mail inside) in odd places.

Letters to Yasslyn Statter Sr.

This is one of an indeterminate amount of possible letters written, and deposited in various odd places, by Yasslyn Statter Jr. This time, the Interdimensional Rumor Mill reveals a Rumor from IF-1.923 out of its Rumor Registry...

Dear Statter Sr.,
Hey! Sorry it’s taken me so long to write, I’ve been swamped now that I’m officially on the rotation. It’s been amazing, I love it so much! I finally get to play in the big leagues with all the other Fridays! I’ve tried not to act too starstruck, especially around Juice - she’s such a talented pitcher. But everyone is so kind, and we’ve been getting along really well. It’s nice to finally get off the bench and into the field.
Unfortunately, that’s not gonna last very much longer. I guess you’ve already heard by now. That allergic reaction really took its toll, and it’s only a quarter way through the season. There’s been some planning, and after this postseason I’m probably going to get pulled. I know it’s for the best, for both me and the team, but I’m really bummed it had to happen so soon. I’d only just started my blaseball career, my real first steps into playing the game. I almost feel like I’m letting the team down, already getting pulled my first season, but everyone’s been really supportive and kind about it. They all understand (peanuts are no joke) and genuinely just want me to get better. The Fridays really do live up to their reputation.
But, hey - don’t worry about me! Players get medically benched all the time, and with a little physical therapy and training in the Shadows, I’ll be good as new and get right back into the swing of things (haha, get it? I know, I know, you’ve missed my amazing jokes). Besides, it’s nice to take a backseat sometimes. I’ll have more time for the podcast and swimming and the new coral conservation campaign. I think for some teams, the Shadows can be a bit scary, but on the Fridays, it’s really chill. Literally. Sometimes Heat lets people pile into his hammock. I can spend a lot more time with my teammates too; I haven’t gotten to hang out with Mordecai too much because of our different schedules, but now that we’re both on the bench, I think we’ll get along really well. I might ask prin to teach me how to skateboard.
I hope things are going well at home. I know you miss me, but don’t go moping around all the time. I’ll be back to visit after the season’s over, and we’ve always got our letters. Let me know how the birdhouse is going, and say hi to Jenny and Jamie for me!