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Revision as of 05:26, 25 January 2022 by Incognito80 (talk | contribs)

In Season 10, the Seattle Garages finished sixth in the Mild League and eleventh in the ILB. The Garages did not qualify for the postseason, breaking their four season streak. In the Season 10 Election, the Garages won the Dark Star blessing, replacing Mike Townsend with rookie pitcher Goodwin Morin.

Starting Roster

Lineup Rotation
Bench Bullpen


Roster Changes

Notable Games

  • On Day 13, hitter Summers Pony, who was  Reverberating after being hit by a pitch from Jaylen Hotdogfingers on Day 12, loaded the bases singlehandedly. (Watch here on Before).

Election Outcomes



Season Overview

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

World Tour

In Season 9, pitching ace Jaylen Hotdogfinger's saga continued as the Garages' act of necromancy continued to have repercussions. But, after being given  Flickering by the Microphone, Hotdogfingers and her recently  Consolidated Debt no longer belonged to just the band. On Day 7, Hotdogfingers swapped to the Philly Pies in the feedback, beginning a world tour across the league and embracing her role as an agent of chaos as she waited for the Microphone's plan to take shape. She briefly returned to Seattle on Day 21 before leaving for Canada (and subsequently Charleston) on Day 53.

Storm's Coming

A bar graph depicting the Season 9 Garages wins over .500 across the entire season and postseason. We'll suck forever.

The Seattle Garages continued their streak of winning seasons in Season 9. A early reverb helped to repair the loss of several key walkers in the past season, allowing the band to continue their small ball strategy to great success. New addition Paula Turnip, along with the ever reliable Oliver Mueller, led the Garages lineup and made up for deficiencies caused by the band's shifting rotation of middling pitchers. The team once again qualified for the postseason, where they once again faced the Pies, this time eliminating them before losing to the Charleston Shoe Thieves. After the Season 8#Declaration of Fourth Strike, the wrath of the Shelled One loomed large over the league and the conflict came to a head during Day X when the Thieves, along with Garages alumna Jaylen Hotdogfingers, faced off against the Pods. After Charleston's defeat, the league prepared for a second faceoff.

Mike Townsend (is Back)

In the Season 9 Election the Garages experimented with Umbramancy. After hitter Nolanestophia Patterson retired to become captain of the band's cheer squad, she was briefly replaced by Mcdowell Karim, until it was revealed that Karim's call up was a clerical error, at which point they were replaced by with Sparks Beans, a barista from the stadium's Dunklin branch who was recruited by team captain Theodore Duende. Mike Townsend, despite opening a successful restaurant with fellow shadows member Terrell Bradley, also rejoined the active roster in exchange for Ortiz Morse, who wanted more time to pursue other ventures. Lori Boston also stepped down to join the Seattle Garages Mascot Union and was replaced by Lenny Marijuana, who had recently been drafted by the ILB after his contract expired. Following the election's ominous forecast, Malik Destiny leveled up to became a Fire Eater, perhaps thanks to deal-making on his behalf following his encounter with instability. Betsy Trombone also found herself accompanied by crows who flew all the way from Philadelphia to rejoin her after her midseason trade, proved that the birds' love for Pies extended to her as well. Team Captain Theodore Duende also discovered a new affinity for all things spicy after trying the new menu at Terrell Bradley's Hot Sauce Bar and Grill.