Chorby Short

From Blaseball Wiki

Revision as of 19:52, 1 March 2021 by Alter Eagle (talk | contribs)

Chorby Short is a lineup player for the Yellowstone Magic and has been with the team since the Season 8 elections.

Official League Records

Short joined the league during the Season 8 elections as a hitter for the Yellowstone Magic, after the Magic won the Blessing Lottery Pick, which traded the 14th mode idolized player in the league to their team. This happened to be Short, a player in the Seattle Garages' Shadows at the time, and Terrell Bradley was sent to the Garages' Shadows in their place.

On Season 10, Day 54, during a game against the Charleston Shoe Thieves, some of Short's hitting ability was siphoned by Richardson Games to add a Ball to the count.

During the Coffee Cup, Short played for Cream & Sugar United as a pitcher.

On Season 12, Day 1, during a game against the Canada Moist Talkers against star pitcher PolkaDot Patterson, Short accrued two Strikes, 120 Foul Balls, and one Ball before striking out looking at their first at-bat in the new era of Blaseball.

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