Goodwin Morin

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Goodwin Morin is a pitcher for the Seattle Garages, and has been with the team since the Season 10 elections.

Official League Records

Morin joined the ILB as a pitcher for the Seattle Garages during the Season 10 elections, via the Dark Star blessing.


The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Goodwin Morin stands at an impressive 7'3". She claims to be from a long line of god slayers residing in Dark Seattle. When pressed for more info, she wouldn't comment further, saying it would hurt the sanctity of her group. After helping take down the gods of Dark Seattle, she was recruited to the Seattle Corporates, a minor league blaseball team and evil counterpart to the Seattle Garages. Morin reports not agreeing to the recruitment, but as things in Dark Seattle go, she did not have a choice in the matter.

During Season 9, as a result of the Secret Weapon Scandal, Morin was blessed with shadow magic and an incredible buff to her strength. Again, Morin wasn't given much choice, but took to her new powers well. As she practiced honing her newfound strength, she began plotting an uprising with her fellow team mates, who were all kept in "company cubicles" beneath the Dedication to Equality Ballpark Tower (DEBT). As the plot was about to get underway, the power was cut by none other than the Seattle Garages, and the two groups worked together for what came to be known as Operation DEBT Collection. As they reached the surface, it became apparent that Morin would not fit on the tour bus without sacrificing a number of seats given her massive size, so Morin opted to let other escapees go in her stead. Ollie Mueller handed her two skateboards shortly before boarding the bus. After helping them push start the bus to allow for their escape, she strapped both skateboards to her feet and roller skateboarded to safety after them. While she lost sight of them shortly thereafter, she managed to find her way through the gate to Seattle, smashing through the remainders of the gum wall.

Morin reports meaning to meet up with the Garages after her arrival, but getting caught up in the less dystopian Seattle. During her time in Dark Seattle, she took to going to underground pinball arcades (which were referred to as "hot tub clubs", to avoid detection), so upon discovering pinball was legal and encouraged, she toured the various pinball arcades in the area, bumping former Garages member Allison Abbott from many of the top scoring slots. It was at Rayglun Lounge that Morin met Sparks Beans, who offered to let her crash with them. It wasn't until a few days had passed that Morin realized Beans was also a member of the Seattle Garages, as Beans had work the day of the heist and could not attend.

After Mike Townsend's return to baking in the Seattle Shadows Co-op, team captain Teddy Duende offered Morin his spot. Morin accepted and has been on the team since. She's proved indispensable, pitching with a number of her arms. In Season 11, Day 12, Morin was charmed by three different batters of the San Francisco Lovers, granting her the nickname "Bi Disaster" by her fans, a title which she wears proudly. Since then, Morin has had a track record of doing poorly against the Lovers, charmed or not. Rumors suggest Morin has taken to hot tubbing with them before games, but these rumors cannot be substantiated, nor could it be clarified which type of hot tubbing they might be doing.

Personal Life

Pinball remains as Morin's primary hobby, hyper-focusing on it to calm down before and after games. Morin also enjoys a good hot tub soak, especially after working out. As pinball arcades were referred to as "hot tub clubs" in Dark Seattle, Morin enjoys confusing her teammates by telling them she's going hot tubbing and not clarifying which she's referring to. Teammate Malik Destiny learned this the hard way when, having assumed she meant pinball, followed along only to find it involved hot water.

Morin continues to room with Sparks Beans in the International District, the two practicing their magic together. Beans has begun teaching Morin the ways of Tabletop Gaming, and in return Morin shows Beans how to do pushups "the right way". Morin says she appreciates Beans' coffee making abilities, even if they do chide her for using milk substitutes.