Cedric Spliff

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Revision as of 03:44, 27 August 2020 by Beowulf (talk | contribs) (Added garages nav)

Cedric Spiff is a batter for the Seattle Garages. He joined the team after the incineration of Shaquille Torres on Season 3 Day 74.

Official League Records

On Season 3 Day 95, Spliff hit a grand slam and an RBI triple in a 10-9 extra innings loss to the Houston Spies.

Personal Life

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Cedric "Lone-Star" Spiff" is also an ex-con, recovering scam artist, team weed dealer, and podcaster. Originally hailing from Texas, Spliff hitched a ride to Seattle with Greer Gwiffin to "escape his Rodeo Crimes." He is a co-host of the podcast Steely Dads! alongside Greer Gwiffin. Despite the name of the podcast, the subject matter is not fatherhood. Instead, the podcast is instead focused on exploring conspiracy theories regarding The Grand Unslam that took place Season 3 Day 73 in the game between the Shoe Thieves and the Tacos.

He has a past as a known con artist, his crimes committed include:

  • Selling oregano instead of weed
  • Selling weed instead of oregano
  • Selling one star weed at two star prices
  • Cable theft
  • Stealing copper wire from construction sites
  • Selling teens fake underage IDs
  • Stealing mannequin parts from thrift stores to sell to other thrift stores
  • A scam Spliff titled "Cryptid Currency". Cryptid Currency is the act of convincing cryptozoologists to create a betting pool on which crytpid would be discovered first, only to run off with the money
  • Rodeo crimes

A team zine titled Spliff's Grifts! was created to document these crimes for entertainment purposes.