Rigby Friedrich

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Revision as of 16:20, 30 January 2023 by FifthBaseQueen (talk | contribs) (adding garages s1 blessing and falling to teams is viewable on their page now)

Rigby Friedrich is a player for the Seattle Garages, and has been with the team since the Descension. Friedrich previously played for the Atlantis Georgias, and for the Rising Stars during the ILB Semi-Centennial.

Official League Records

Friedrich joined the ILB as a pitcher for the Atlantis Georgias during the Descension.

On Season β21, Day 59, Friedrich became a lineup player due to Reverb.

During the Season β22 elections, Friedrich gained the Skipping modification as a result of the Record Scratch blessing.

During the ILB Semi-Centennial, Friedrich played for the Rising Stars. Friedrich then returned to the Atlantis Georgias as a pitcher.

On Season 1, Day 19, Friedrich fell to the Seattle Garages during a game in Horizon weather.

During the Season 1 elections, Friedrich gained a boost of 0.2 to their Thwack as a result of the Garages' Guess Whose Thwack Blessing.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Box of Rigby Friedrich Files

Dust billows as the file box lands on the table. While many archives in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill are unified in some way, this... definitely isn’t one of them. The accompanying Rumor Registry explains all of the contents... wherever it is... but for now you grab the folder labelled IF-54.27 and start reading...

The Mutiny

Rigby Friedrich is the assumed name of a 18th century sailing vessel that plays for the Atlantis Georgias. The name refers to both the ghost of the ship and the ship itself, the HMS Princess Sapphire. The vessel is sentient, and the two exist together as a gestalt consciousness.

The two met when her human half was abducted from a merchant vessel and pressed into service for the Royal Navy. The human found camaraderie with the ship, and the two bonded over their shared love of the sea and exploration, as well as the shared trauma of working for the navy against their will. The human told the ship about her desire to see the world, as well as her desire to live as the self she chose and not the self that was imposed on her. The two began to plot a mutiny together.

The traitorous intent of the human was discovered by her captain, and she was set to be executed. The ship intervened, killing the captain and marooning members of the crew that had hurt her human. Friedrich spent several years as a fugitive before she was eventually brought down in the west Atlantic.

The Myth

Despite having been destroyed in battle, ships continued to report sightings of the HMS Princess Sapphire. Stories spoke of a figure on the water, sometimes a woman, sometimes a ship, and sometimes a formless mass of broken ships and debris rolling across the ocean, sinking ships and claiming their parts for herself. While merchant ships were occasionally spared, she was said to sink any military ship she came across. Official reports alleged that the ship was a mere superstition, but the legend remained popular among sailors for over a century.

The Marriage

Neerie McCloud was the first one to reach out to Friedrich, offering to guide her to a city where she could live without having to fight. In response, the human threw a glass at McCloud, because she enjoyed fighting. The human and the ship had become intrinsically linked, bound together by a shared love of their way of life, the sea, and each other. She did not want to be separated from herself. McCloud, impressed with Friedrich's throw, returned with another offer; to join Atlantis's blaseball team, and achieve a new kind of glory and legend. Friedrich accepted, and the human and the ship became formally married after arriving in Atlantis. Friedrich can still occasionally be seen on the open ocean, flying the transgender and lesbian flag, and only sometimes terrorizing other vessels.

Fan Works