Cornelius Games

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Cornelius Games is a pitcher for the Charleston Shoe Thieves, and has been with the team since Season 1.

Official League Records

Games joined the ILB as a pitcher for the Charleston Shoe Thieves with the Return of Blaseball.

Games in particular maintains one of the lowest ERAs and WHIPs in the league, including pitching an Immaculate Inning against the Hawai'i Fridays in Season 2.

During the Season 6 elections, the Charleston Shoe Thieves received the Mutually Arising blessing increasing Games' overall stars from 11.1 11.5 .

On Season 7, Day 38, Games' pitching ability was siphoned by Yellowstone Magic pitcher Curry Aliciakeyes, decreasing it 3.6 2.8 .

On Season 9, Day X, Games gained the Mild modification after the Shoe Thieves lost to THE SHELLED ONE'S PODS.

In the Season 10 elections, Games received Noise-Cancelling Headphones, becoming Soundproof. (The Headphones would later be lost, along with all other Discipline Era items across the league, at the beginning of Season 15.)

During the Coffee Cup, Games played for Inter Xpresso as a pitcher. Games received the Perk after the tournament due to being a member of the winning team.

During the Season 17 elections, Games' pitching was increased 1.7 4 and baserunning decreased 1.7 1.3 as a result of the Shoe Thieves' Transfuse will.

On Season 18, Day 53, Games became a lineup player due to Reverb.

During the Season 20 elections, Games retreated to the Shoe Thieves' Shadows in exchange for Richardson Games as a result of the Shoe Thieves' Swap will, resulting in a combined 10.1 10.8 stat increase.

On Season 21, Day 89, Games joined the Shoe Thieves' pitching rotation in exchange for Tevin Melcon as a result of Choux Stadium's Fax Machine.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Blaseball Career

Radiocarbon dating indicates that Games was born sometime in the Anteumperial Epoch, and almost immediately turned to a life of larceny. After building a successful career as Charleston's best-dressed footwear liberator, he set his sights on the ultimate heist: the large stockpiles of blaseball shoes held by the teams. As part of his plan, he (and others) formed the Shoe Thieves as a front organization, using connections made through his husband to gain a foothold into the blaseball world. The team surprised everyone, themselves included, by being somewhat competent blaseball players.

Also known as the "Big Games Hunter", Games is considered to be one of the Shoe Thieves' most valuable pitchers, displaying this value by pitching in a full three-piece seersucker suit. Games has a flair for the dramatic, and as such allows runs early in games to create tension in the later innings. Every run is intentional.

Games has a reputation for getting outs not by striking out opposing batters but by coaxing them into swinging at pitches that produce easy fielding outs for his teammates. Even experienced batters well known for their plate discipline may be neutralized with this tactic. Games's long time rival and former teammate Workman Gloom said of his pitching style:

The worst thing about batting against Corn is that you really oughta know better. Every time you walk up saying to yourself this time I'm gonna just stand there and take the walk, and every time you tell yourself that this time is different and he's made a mistake and you can get a decent hit off him. And every time, he makes a fool of you. I've known that man longer than almost anyone and somehow, I'm still falling for it, after all these years.

Some cigarette cards have been discovered[1] that appear to depict Games pitching for Charleston as early as 1887, well before the Internet League was established. It is unclear what implications this might have for the history of the game, reality, or Cornelius himself.

Personal Life

Prior to joining Internet League Blaseball, Cornelius Games met former New York Millennials player Richardson Games at a fashion show. The two bonded over their love of designer suits, vintage footwear, and other clothing, and were soon wed. Cornelius and Richardson Games are both notoriously private, and do not often talk about their marriage. Regardless, a few more details can be gathered.

When asked about their marriage the pair frequently give wildly varying and outlandish answers, prompting some to theorize that rumors of marital issues –or perhaps their entire relationship– has all been a distraction to divert attention away from the group’s various heists.

(Please refresh for an alternate interpretation)

Games specializes in stealing tuxedo shoes. Unlike most of the Shoe Thieves, Games proudly wears and flaunts his pilfered footwear. To combat theft of said kicks by his fellow teammates, Games wears multiple shoes nested inside of one another like a Matroyshka doll.

Fan Works

The following song is about Cornelius Games:
