Olde One

From Blaseball Wiki

Revision as of 23:40, 28 March 2021 by UnabashedlyRose (talk | contribs)

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

The Olde One (also known as The Mother Crab, Mr. Trash Wheel, The Deep One, They Who Lay In Slumber Under The Oldest Bay, Mom, The Indomitable Snip, She of the Eternal Shuffle, He of the Omniscent Ommatophores, “That There Big Crab”, Our Lady of the Impenecrable Shell, Ny'el'g'shuth Sh'ai'c'll'll'claroth, and Big Debrah) is the corpse-god of Chesapeake Bay, and matron diety to the Baltimore Crabs.

Prayers for The Olde One

The following words have been offered by the Baltimore Crabs If you would like to see more offerings, simply refresh the page.

“I’m just saying would it kill you to let the bases get loaded up before my next home run? You let Tillman get a grand slam, so at this point I’m going to assume you’re playing favourites.”

"I don't need your gifts anymore. You can give it back if you want, but I made my own- we made my own. Nothing you could do could ever compare.

“...thanks. I guess. I know it isn’t like, all you or whatever. But I don’t think I would have ended up on the team without that. Or met everyone else. It would have sucked to have not been where I am right now. So thanks for being a big messed up Crab god and starting this whole thing.”

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