York Silk

From Blaseball Wiki

Revision as of 00:09, 21 September 2020 by Cobaltcakes (talk | contribs)

York Silk is a lineup player for the Hawaii Fridays. Silk has been with the team since Season 2, day 74, when York replaced Jessi Wise due to incineration. York is known as one of the team's best hitters.

Official League Records

Season 2

York gained the Gunblade Bat as a result of a Blessing at the end of Season 2.

Season 3

York finished season 3 with the 3rd highest BA in the league (0.374), 2nd highest hits (147), 2nd most home runs (31), 2nd highest OBP (0.422), 2nd highest RBI (86), 8th highest slugging percentage (0.634), tied with Elijah Valenzuela for third in stolen bases (10), and 2nd most runs scored (89).

Season 4

York had a career year in season 4, finishing the season #1 in BA (0.363), #4 in doubles (22), #1 hits (139), #1 home runs (45), #2 OBP (0.408), #3 in runs (79), #1 RBI (100), and #2 slugging (0.783).

Season 5

During the Season 5 election, York's batting and baserunning fell half a star as a part of the Charleston Shoe Thieves' Bad Neighbors blessing.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.



Silk is an eight year old child and hit his first home run at two years old. Silk's strong on the field and off the field performance allowed him to negotiate a strong rider for the Fridays ensuring the dugout keeps an ample supply of Capri Sun and Sunny D at all times.

Silk’s Gunblade Bat is formally recognised as The Vibe Check, a title Silk gave the gunblade himself, and is quite proud of. The team saved up all of their arcade tickets to get him the blessing for his birthday.

Silk joined the team on their 8th birthday and since then, every 74th day of each season of Blaseball, the team and fans celebrate Silk turning 8—never older.

When not at bat, Silk is the Fridays' batboy.


York is currently backed by many different sponsors which are represented by the jibbitz on his famous Crocs: Slunny D, Clapri Sun, Hawaiian Plunch (which everyone agreed was a little on the nose), Plower Wheels, Plogs, Razor Sclooters, Hleelies, PBS (the Plublic Blaseballcasting Slervice), and, The King Arthur Baking Company.

His PBS sponsorship mandates that he finishes all his interviews with thanking "vliewers like you."

He has been offered many car sponsorships but when he tries to accept them people remind him that because he is 8 he can't even drive. He responds to this with "I can drive this ball out of this field!" and proceeds to hit a homerun.


  • The crowd will cheer "👏 YORK'S 👏 OUR 👏 DORK 👏" whenever York enters the field, regardless of his performance. As one Fridays fan said, "Win or lose, he's a good boy."
  • York is one of the few Fridays players to wear cleats, or footwear at all for that matter. He is known around the league for playing in a pair of kids size 10 Crocs. They have jibbetz on them representing all of his sponsors. When he is playing in the outfield he puts his shoes into defensive mode and puts the straps to the front. When he is hitting or on base he puts his shoes into offensive mode, with the straps at the back. He likes to make a big deal out of it, not unlike when Ash Ketchum switches his hat to enter a Pokemon battle. When he runs the bases his shoes light up green and blue to represent the duality outfield and the surf respectively.
  • York was recruited onto the Fridays by his step mother Nagomi McDaniel who at the time was dating his mother.
