Famous Owens

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Revision as of 15:43, 23 July 2021 by LexaByteNV (talk | contribs) (S23 D95 Rogers/Owens UnFeedback)

Famous Owens is a lineup player for the Hades Tigers. Owens has been with the team since Season 23, Day 95. Owens has played for the Breckenridge Jazz Hands.

Official League Records

Owens joined the ILB as a pitcher for the Hades Tigers with the Return of Blaseball.

Owens pitched a game in all three series of the Tigers' Season 4 championship run, and went undefeated en route to the league title, an accolade shared with Yazmin Mason.

In the Season 9 elections, Owens was affected by the Tag Team Pitching blessing, increasing their pitching rating from to .

During the Tigers' Season 12 push for a championship, Owens pitched three games, recording two shut outs and conceding only a single run, proving instrumental in the Tigers winning their third title. Subsequently, Owens Evolved to Base 1, protecting their stars from dropping below 1.

In the Season 14 elections, Owens benefited from the Non-Dominant Arms blessing, increasing their pitching 3.4 ★-> 3.6 ★.

Owens gained Fire type blood in the Season 16 elections as a result of the Fiery blessing.

During Season 17, Owens Partied twice, increasing their batting to , Pitching to , Baserunning to , and Defence to .

During the Season 18 elections, Owens Evolved from Base 1 to Base 2 as a result of the Targeted Evolution Blessing, thus becoming the first player in the ILB to reach Base 2.

During the Season 19 elections, Owens retreated to the Tigers' Shadows in exchange for Mummy Melcon as a result of the Tigers' Foreshadow will, resulting in a combined 16.2 16.7 stat increase.

On Season 21, Day 114, Owens joined the Tigers' lineup in exchange for Matteo Triumphant at Sixth Circle Stadium via the Ratified Voicemail.

During the Season 21 elections, Owens' batting increased from 4.2 5.4 as a result of the Tigers' Shadow Infuse Will.

On Season 23, Day 95, Owens was exchanged to the Breckenridge Jazz Hands due to Feedback. Owens was replaced by Spears Rogers. The two were exchanged back to their original teams later that game in the last possible moment.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Box of Famous Owens Files

Dust billows as the file box lands on the table. While many archives in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill are unified in some way, this... definitely isn’t one of them. The accompanying Rumor Registry explains all of the contents... wherever it is... but for now you grab the folder labelled IF-38.54 and start reading...


People can’t quite put their finger on it, but they’ve seen Famous Owens somewhere before. Some see Owens in dreams, while others see them in the mirror when they don’t recognise themselves. Owens’ visage is said to be good luck if a person sees them while looking in the reflection of water. Others say the image draws the vain towards their own watery demise.


  • In spite of their manifold interdimensional manifestations, a consistent aspect of Owens is their friendship with Dunlap Figueroa. This was on full display during the Season 16 wild card round; after Figueroa was attacked by Consumers, Owens thwarted the second attempt by storming the field of play with their bat in hand, shattering it across a consumer's head to defend their teammate.
  • Ayanna Dumpington is the bane of the existence of at least some of the Famouss, such as 11.903 (raccoon), 12.19 (Other), 18.18 (maybe Zeus?), 27.614 (deeply sketchy demon) due to her constantly insisting that they hydrate and cannonballing into the team pool/Owens' pool whenever they is in the splash zone. Famous Owens IF-238.91 doesn't really understand all the fuss, but thinks Dumpington is doing a just swell job.
    • Nonetheless, Owens delights in helping Dumpington find the most flamboyant and fashionable of new fits.

Fan Works