Yusef Fenestrate

From Blaseball Wiki

Revision as of 22:18, 8 April 2021 by NautALoid (talk | contribs) (followup edits to the big one)

Yusef Fenestrate is a lineup player for the Tokyo Lift, and has been with the team since the Season 10 Election.

Official League Records

Fenestrate joined the ILB as a hitter for the Tokyo Lift after the Season 10 Election after the Ascension of the Baltimore Crabs.

During the Coffee Cup, Fenestrate played for Heavy FC as a lineup player.

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List of Notable Hobbies, Skills, and Interests

Fenestrate is known by many as someone with many interests and talents. Some of their peers have mentioned that every time you look away, it always seems as though they are up to something new and refreshing. There may be some truth to that:

  • Audiologist
  • Food bank manager
  • Musician:
    • Handpan
    • Fiddle
    • Cello
  • Scrimshaw (acquired during their time Elsewhere)
  • Spotter
  • Cup stacker
  • Roof mechanic
  • They also play Internet League Blaseball on the side
