Henry Marshallow

From Blaseball Wiki

Revision as of 23:17, 4 September 2020 by OliverIsARobot (talk | contribs) (player infobox status normalization)

Henry Marshallow is a pitcher for the Seattle Garages. Marshallow joined the team when Derrick Krueger was incinerated in Season 3.

Official League Records

Henry Marshallow does not have any notable records.

Personal Life

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Henry Marshallow is also a backup dancer for the Seattle Garages cover band, the Sleattle Glarages.

Some believe that his name is Marshmallow, but these people are incorrect. Marshallow pronounces his name "mar-shal-low" enunciating every syllable. Everyone else pronounces his name either as "marsh-allow" or "marshmallow". Marshallow has tried to correct them. This has been to no avail.

Marshallow is a very, very buff marshmallow man, who plays shirtless, has his number (94) tattooed to on his back, and ties his jersey around his waist in the customary Garages fashion. His trousers have dragons on them.

He is quiet and thoughtful, described as a sweetheart by people who know him.

Before blaseball he unsuccessfully tried to run a food truck dealing in artisanal smores.

During the off-season, Marshmallow volunteers at a museum of Historic Soap close to the Garages' stadium.