Montgomery Bullock

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Revision as of 03:21, 26 January 2023 by WayslideCool (talk | contribs) (adding former team categories to all the former georgias that aren't currently in play)

Montgomery Bullock was a pitcher for the Canada Moist Talkers, and was with the team from Season β24, Day 15 until Fall Ball. Bullock has played for the Hawai'i Fridays, Atlantis Georgias, and Baltimore Crabs.

Official League Records

Bullock joined the ILB as a pitcher for the Baltimore Crabs with the Return of Blaseball.

During the Season β5 election, Bullock received boosts in all ratings as a part of the Horde Hallucinations and Rollback Netcode blessings.

On Season β6, Day 23, Bullock siphoned some of Hellmouth Sunbeams lineup player Alaynabella Hollywood's pitching ability in a game with Blooddrain weather, bringing it from to .

On Season β7, Day 82, Bullock siphoned some of San Francisco Lovers lineup player Helga Moreno's pitching ability in a game with Blooddrain weather, bringing it from to .

During the Season β9 elections, Bullock received the Friend of Crows modification due to the passing of the Forecast: Birds decree.

On Season β10, Day X, Bullock gained the Mild modification after the Crabs lost to THE SHELLED ONE'S PODS. Following the ascension of the Baltimore Crabs from their Season β10 Internet Series victory, Bullock was traded to the Hawai'i Fridays due to the People's Champion blessing. Additionally, Bullock was targeted by the San Francisco Lovers' Popular by Association blessing. Due to an election mishap, the Lovers instead gained a copy of Bullock, Bontgomery Mullock, while the Fridays kept the original Bullock.

Bullock was traded to the Atlantis Georgias in exchange for Mordecai Kingbird during the Season β16 elections via the Georgias' Equivalent Exchange will, becoming a lineup player in the process.

Bullock was traded to the Baltimore Crabs in exchange for Fish Summer during the Season β17 elections via the Georgias' Equivalent Exchange will.

During the Season β18 elections, Bullock retreated to the Crabs' Shadows as a result of the Crabs' Move will, becoming a pitcher in the process.

During the Season β19 elections, Bullock's pitching increased from 4.3 5.8 as a result of the Crabs' Shadow Infuse will.

On Season β20, Day 9, Bullock joined the Crabs' active roster in exchange for Kaz Fiasco via Chesapeake Racetrack and Ballpark's Fax Machine.

During the Season β21 elections, Bullock gained the Heist Expert modification as a result of the Play to Find Out blessing.

On Season β23, Day 58, Bullock retreated to the Crabs' Shadows in exchange for Alston Cerveza as a result of the Chesapeake Racetrack and Ballpark's Fax Machine.

On Season β24, Day 15, The Gleek Thieves' Guild stole Bullock from the Baltimore Crabs and gave them to the Canada Moist Talkers. On Day 16, Bullock joined the Moist Talkers' pitching rotation in exchange for Eugenia Garbage at Gleek Arena via the Ratified Fax Machine.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Box of Montgomery Bullock Files

Dust billows as the file box lands on the table. While many archives in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill are unified in some way, this... definitely isn’t one of them. The accompanying Rumor Registry explains all of the contents... wherever it is... but for now you grab the folder labelled IF-84.75 and start reading...


Often known as "Monty B" or "MoCo", Montgomery Cha-Cha Bullock is the namesake of Montgomery County, MD, in addition to reportedly being the physical manifestation of the county. No photographs or video footage exists of Montgomery Bullock by her own request. He is described as being a short/tall/medium-sized woman/man/player with green/brown/blue eyes and blonde/brown/red/purple hair.[1]

Early Life

According to historical record Montgomery Bullock was founded on October 1, 1776.  

According to eyewitness accounts, the physical form of Montgomery Bullock was born at the age of five in the Baltimore Crabs' home stadium during a training match. Eyewitnesses at the time stated that their mother pitched them in order to deliberately strike out the current batter.


Bullock attended the Baltimore Blaseball Acrabemy as a child and quickly moved on to the Crustaceous Higher Institute for Blaseball Education (more commonly know as the CHIBE), the "sixteenth most prestigious blaseball academy in Baltimore[1]". Upon graduation, Bullock was accepted into trials for the Crabs immediately.


At the end of their education at the Baltimore Blaseball Acrabemy, Bullock faced allegations of theft and arson from the captain of rival team, the Third Blase Spiders. Bullock was accused of stealing and burning the bats and uniforms of the Spiders. Bullock was aquitted of all charges, however no verdict was returned as to whether or not they were true.

Bullock has also been sighted all over Montgomery county providing unsolicited advice to residents. Often simply appearing as an old gardener in the Brookside Gardens and discussing your career path with an intimate knowledge they should not possess. Most residents have described these encounters as “having a nice sentiment, but honestly a little creepy”.

Blaseball Career

Bullock was made Captain of the BBA Hermits, the official inter-school team of the Baltimore Blaseball Acrabemy, and, upon graduating, had helped the Hermits achieve an almost unbeatable record of 736 wins and 12 losses.

She was repeatedly offered to be made the Captain of the CHIBE Fiddlers, but denied the offer, saying "I can't handle the spotlight".

Upon gaining a place in the Baltimore Crabs' roster, he has participated in every season of Blaseball.

Blood Donation

As a side effect of Montgomery Bullock draining blood from Alaynabella Hollywood during Season 6, several hospital workers within Montgomery County have reported sudden influx of filled blood bags within their infirmaries. The source of this is currently unknown, but most hospitals affected by this occurrence have taken it in stride.

Claims that the blood "carries the curse of the werehellhound" and unsafe to use in medical situations have been thoroughly disproven as hoaxes, and should under no means be investigated or suspected.

This incident did lead to speculation on the effects of other Blaseball weather phenomenon. While the recent influx of friendly birds has been welcome, others wonder what the effect of a targeted blooddrain, feedback, or even incineration may be on the county as a whole. While Bullock’s recent trades to the Hawaii Fridays and the Atlantis Georgias have had minimal effect, there is still some degree of trepidation when Bullock plays under the darkness of an eclipse.

Return to the Crabs

After being moved to the Hawaii Fridays in Ascension, Bullock spent seven seasons between the Fridays and the Georgias before finally landing back where they started in Baltimore. But not exactly where they started - since Bullock was now batting for some reason. This didn’t stop Bullock from sliding back into their old rhythm, helping their recovering captain Kennedy Loser with his haunting problem (after all, who knows more about the act of being inhabited than Montgomery Bullock). Luckily Bullock’s position was corrected quickly, and even came with an infusion for their trouble making a triumphant return to the Crabs pitching rotation in season 20, exactly 10 seasons after he had left it in the first place.

Back on the mound Bullock was a familiar presence for the Baltimore Crabs up until being faxed out by an unfortunate activation of Equal Sun in Season 23. Bullock took the time to relax in the Crab’s shadows, giving tips to fellow pitchers, and keeping up with the goings on of the league. When the Crabs became unstable in season 24 Bullock was taken to the Canada Moist Talkers by the Gleek’s thieves guild - something that was difficult to swallow as they watched their team play though their instability, and hoped alongside the rest of the league that they made it out unscathed.

In Literature

Crabs' Poet Laureate Runolfio Peeper wrote the following about Bullock:

Montgomery, third pitcher in our stable
Is notoriously difficult to label
They in every game of Blaseball reap a bounty
For it’s also known they moonlight as a county.

Their pitches rock the villains who receive them
With some spin upon the ball they do deceive them
The sinker pitch is always churning down
Like a stone dropped in a creek the batters drown
The sliders have no mercy in their grace
The hitters always give them heavy chase
The four seams gather burgeoning applause
And strike like wildcats showing their claws
The changeups drift just like a silver spring
The black hill curveballs make the batter swing

Above capital, their endurance does amaze
And our Bullock taxes everyone who plays.


  1. No two eyewitness accounts have given the same description
  2. Slogan of the Crustaceous Higher Institute of Blaseball Education

Fan Works