Sixpack Dogwalker

From Blaseball Wiki

Revision as of 18:58, 28 August 2020 by ItsSteve (talk | contribs)

Sixpack Dogwalker is a lineup player for the Hawaii Fridays and has been with the team since Season 4, Day 86 after replacing Thomas England due to incineration.

Official League Records

Dogwalker currently has no official records in the league record books.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Personal Life

Some Fridays fans have described Sixpack as a "conglomodog," or a conglomeration of dogs, dogs, dogs.

Per Hawaiian Klennel Cllub rules, the individual splortsdogs comprising Sixpack have registered show names and breed information, as follows:

  • Reis Plumbife (Cocker Daniel)
  • Chawin' Tom (Great Albertine)
  • Mister Mister Mister (White Chocolate Mendez)
  • Eoin Perlmutter (Lesser Coyhowler)
  • His Duchess Goodlad Unitary III (Maltese)
  • Margaritas Baby! (Chicanery Retriever)

The conglomeration identifies as bisexual in aggregate.
