Wyatt Pothos

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Wyatt Pothos is a pitcher for the Unlimited Tacos and has been with the team since Season 1.

Official League Records


Pothos joined the league with the name Wanda Pothos in Season 1, playing for the Los Angeles Tacos.

Season 3

Pothos swallowed a peanut on Season 3, Day 63 in a game against the Kansas City Breath Mints. She had an allergic reaction and dropped from a batting stat of to .

After the Season 3 Elections, Pothos was briefly known as Wyatt Mason due to The Wyatt Masoning. After The Unmasoning, their last name but not their first name was repaired, and they became known as Wyatt Pothos.

Season 5

During a Season 5, Day 82 game against the Houston Spies, Pothos was caught in a reverb incident and switched positions from batter to pitcher. Pothos's pitching stat is higher than their batting stat, resulting in a benefit to the Tacos.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.



Pothos got her career in splorts started in blasketball as a star power forward for the Walla Walla Widows. Pothos was noted for her ruthless defense and her method of scoring by going around or through her opponents. In her first autobiography, I Eat Mashed Pez For Breakfast, she and Coach ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ referred to her tactics in play as 3-D: Dismantle Destroy & pass-through-their-boDy. This playing method is a nod back to her roots in roller dlerby, where she played competitively during the blasketball off season on an LA-native team called The Musketqueers.

Pothos has said before that her life goal is to “play all sapphic splorts”.

After seven NBLA championship victories, she announced her retirement and her intention to officially join the splort of kickball at the encouragement of Tacos Coach Al Pastor. When asked about which team she was interested in joining, she said: "Well, I wanna stay on the West Coast, so I'm hoping for either the Lovers or the Tacos. But, since I don't really believe in 'love' as a concept anymore, I'd prefer the free food. Tacos all the way." She was later drafted to the Tacos. Only after joining the league was it made clear that she had joined a blaseball team.

League Career

Pothos's original hopes were to be a pitcher, but she insisted on throwing the blaseball as though she were shooting a three-pointer. Al Pastor found her practicing and insisted she take the plate instead. Allegedly, Pastor had pitcher Sexton Wheeler pitch extra-hardshell tacos at Pothos, with the additional caveat that she needed to catch the tacos she hit. Here, she discovered her abilities as a hitter and as a capable third blaseman/shortstop. She officially became a hitter and mostly handles Third Base.

She has an average amount of arms and legs, as long as she wants to. She is a fan of heckling the opposing batters.

The 1998 Fluree Abduction Incident

Wyatt Pothos made national headlines as a young girl. While originally living in Northern Clalifornia, she was among several children abducted by the Fire-Winged Faeries that escape out of the Redwood Forests to claim their sacrifices every decade or so, known as the Flurees. While it was a usual occurrence that the people of Northern Clalifornia would simply accept the sacrifices, due to being unable to track the Flurees down, Pothos's abduction changed things for the small communities near the Redwood Forests. Thanks to Pothos's unique physiology and volume adjustment abilities, her cries echoes across the entirety of Northern Clalifornia and Southern Orlegon.

With Pothos's unstoppable hissing and crackling, the Red Riding Hoods were able to find the newest crop of abductees and squirrel them away safely back to their families. They also began hunting the Flurees out of the Forests and deeper into the Pacific Ocean. The hunt continues on to this day.

About the incident, Pothos has no real recollection. In her usual deadpan she recalled the situation saying:

I don't really remember anything about it. I remember a lot of lights, lotta trees, a persistent static hum, and all care about my second grade crush leaving my body. Then I was picked up and handed back to my parents and I think there was a wild fire? I don't remember, I don't read the news.

News reports see Pothos's mother saying: "We're so happy to have our little girl back.

The same reports have Pothos's Father saying: "I think she should play blasketball."
