Rat Mason

From Blaseball Wiki

Rat Mason is a player in the Shadows for the LA Unlimited Tacos, and has been with the team since Season 1. Mason played for the Rising Stars during the ILB Semi-Centennial.

Official League Records

Mason joined the ILB as a lineup player for the Los Angeles Tacos with the Return of Blaseball, with the name Rat Polk.

After the Season 3 elections, Mason was briefly known as Wyatt Mason due to The Wyatt Masoning. During The Unmasoning, Mason's name was partially restored to Rat Mason.

On Season 6, Day 85, Mason suffered an allergic reaction and a drop in stats, including a decrease in batting from to , as well as a decrease in pitching and baserunning stats to 0.

During the Tacos' Season 7, Day 89 game against the Houston Spies, Mason received a -star boost to batting and pitching, and a -star boost to baserunning and defense.

During the Coffee Cup, Mason played for Royal PoS as a lineup player.

During the Season 16 elections, Mason's batting increased from 4.2 5.0 and batting decreased 2.9 2.7 as a result of the Tacos' Transfuse will.

During the Season 19 earlsiesta, Mason was given the Uncertain modification as part of the seasonal reading.

During the ILB Semi-Centennial, Mason played for the Rising Stars. In the same game, the Vault Legends failed to collect Mason three times. Mason then returned to the LA Unlimited Tacos as a pitcher.

On Season 24, Day 32, Mason retreated to the Tacos' Shadows in exchange for McBaseball Clembons at Al Pastor Memorial Park via the Ratified Fax Machine.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.



A transplant to Los Angeles from New York, Mason was an aspiring dancer before he surrendered to the call of professional blaseball. He is known for batting with his right hand but throwing with his left. When not on the field, he is often found in the back of one of the numerous taco trucks that surround the Tacos' stadium.

Mason lives in WeHo (The City of West Hollywood) with his husband Penny Polk, an LA native. The premiere Splorts Tabloid, the Blaseball Enquirer, has published a series of rumors that the couple are considering a divorce, citing that Polk has never been seen at one of Mason's games. Neither Mason nor Polk has commented on whether the divorce rumors are true.

The Many Faces of Rat Mason

According to the Interdimensional Rumor Mill, some things never change, even across dimensions. Someone, somewhere, decided to catalog all the different versions of Rat Mason in a Rumor Registry, but today the version from IF-14.662 is playing. Here’s what the rumors say...

Appearance as a Rat Piloting a Human-Sized Rat

Many have speculated that Mason is not actually the human-sized rat who goes by Rat Mason but instead is a rat who lives under his Blaseball cap and is, to quote social media, "piloting this [respectable] [fellow] Ratatouille-style." Tacos management has not confirmed this rumor due to a respect for Mason's privacy. When asked about these rumors, Manager Al Pastor said, "Sure we've never seen our boy Rat without his hat on, but we think it's like, totally chill if he's actually a rat who dreams of being a splorts star. Like they say: Anyone can Blaseball."

When pressed by reporters, an anonymous source who looks exactly like Mason but without a head had this to say: "Sure, I may or may not lose my free will to yanking on my hair while on the field, but hey; it sure is fun getting to play Blaseball in front of all those screaming fans".


Mason has missed the exit from the 405 to the 101 several times.

Mason reportedly wears jersey number 69.

Fan Works

Non Visual Works
