Rat Mason

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Rat Mason is a lineup player for the Unlimited Tacos. Mason has been with the team since Season 1.

Official League Records

Mason joined the league with the name Rat Polk in Season 1, playing for the Los Angeles Tacos.

After the Season 3 elections, Mason was briefly known as Wyatt Mason due to The Wyatt Masoning. After The Unmasoning, their first name but not their last name was repaired, and they became known as Rat Mason.

Season 6

On Season 6, Day 85, Mason suffered an allergic reaction and a drop in stats, including a decrease in batting from to , as well as a decrease in pitching and baserunning stats to 0.

Season 7

During the Tacos' Season 7, Day 89 game against the Houston Spies, Mason received a -star boost to batting and pitching, and a -star boost to baserunning and defense.

Coffee Cup

During the Coffee Cup, Mason played for Royal PoS as a lineup player.

Season 16

During the Season 16 elections, Mason received a Batting boost of 4.3 5 and a Defense impairment of 2.9 2.7 as a result of the Transfuse will.

Season 19

During the Season 19 earlsiesta, Mason was given the Uncertain modification as part of the seasonal reading.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.



A transplant to Los Angeles from New York, Mason was an aspiring dancer before he surrendered to the call of professional blaseball. He is known for batting with his right hand but throwing with his left. When not on the field, he is often found in the back of one of the numerous taco trucks that surround the Tacos' stadium.

Mason lives in WeHo (The City of West Hollywood) with his husband Penny Polk, an LA native. The premiere Splorts Tabloid, the Blaseball Enquirer, has published a series of rumors that the couple are considering a divorce, citing that Polk has never been seen at one of Mason's games. Neither Mason nor Polk has commented on whether the divorce rumors are true.

The Many Faces of Rat Mason

According to the Interdimensional Rumor Mill, some things never change, even across dimensions. Someone, somewhere, decided to catalog all the different versions of Rat Mason in a Rumor Registry, but today the version from IF-41.705 is playing. Here’s what the rumors say...

Ratatouille Rat Mason

Rat Polk joined the Tacos looking for a chance at splorts fame, especially in kickball. Some may think it is kind of odd that they seemed to introduce himself as 'Matthew', wrote 'Rat' down on the sign-up sheet, and then proceed to stumble over his words for a full minute before announcing that they must have misheard and that he introduced himself as 'Ratthew'. Teammates and fans report peculiar behavior on the plate; he is frequently seen looking up and talking to himself, and wincing in pain when he misplays. Questions such as "Why do we never see him without his cap" and "Why does Rat preform like a Blittle League player during practice, but like a star during games" and "Why does he always leave the room when people talk about the stadium's rat problem" have led certain social media presences to insist that a rat living under Mason's Blaseball cap was, quote, "piloting this [respectable] [fellow] Ratatouille-style".

When asked about these rumors, Tacos manager Al Pastor said, "Sure we've never seen our boy Ratthew without his hat on, but we think it's like, totally chill if he's actually a rat who dreams of being a splorts star. Like they say: Anyone can Blaseball." Other Tacos have similarly declined to comment on the rumours out of respect for Mason's privacy. Mason is described as a bit of a himbo, often a klutz when off the field, and a normal dude out of his depth. He claims to enjoy carousel rides and has no strong opinions on the Bee Mlovie.

Unbeknownst to the press, 'Ratthew' is actually 'Rat' and 'Matthew'. Matthew, an aspiring kickball player, dramatically lacked athletic talent. Rat, a rat, was tragically and chronically bound by the laws of physics, preventing them from fulfilling their dream of becoming a famous splorts player, because they could not kick the “dang ball” effectively, despite their immense knowledge of “sports and also video games”. Rat approached Matthew for a team-up, and they have been working together Ratatouille-style ever since. Although Rat (the rat) is somewhat irritable when dealing with Matthew's blunders, the two of them are ultimately close friends.

For most of their blaseball career, the duo has been trying to keep their Ratatouille situation secret from the rest of the team, and although it is painfully obvious to almost everyone else, the team respected Ratthew's privacy and did not bring it up. In the aftermath of Season 9 Day X, distressed over the team's dramatic downsizing, Matthew and Rat admitted their situation to the Tacos, who in turn admitted that they'd already known that and supported it unconditionally (with the exception of the team mascot, Pepito, who had no idea but still supported them).

When referring to both Matthew and Rat, the team refers to them as Ratthew.


Mason has missed the exit from the 405 to the 101 several times.

Mason reportedly wears jersey number 69.

Fan Works

Non Visual Works
