Sebastian Woodman

From Blaseball Wiki

Revision as of 21:54, 20 September 2020 by OliverIsARobot (talk | contribs) (Update player infobox)

Sebastian Woodman is a lineup player for the Charleston Shoe Thieves. Woodman has been playing since Season 3, Day 43 as a replacement for Atlas Jonbois due to incineration.

Official League Records

Woodman currently has no notable events in the official record books.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.


Upon former player Sebastian Townsend's incineration, the Shoe Thieves felled a mighty cypress tree, constructing an effigy in their honor. This was primarily accomplished through Esme Ramsey gnawing out a rough likeness with their teeth. This effigy has displayed quite the knack for playing blaseball.

After several teammates reported seeing the shifting, tortured face of Sebastian Townsend appearing on the effigy, the Shoe Thieves printed out a medium quality .jpg of Townsend, taping it over. Cornelius Games commented, "That takes care of that."

No one has ever seen Woodman move. Whenever Woodman hits the ball, there is an instant where all watching collectively feel the urge to blink. Following this strange and entirely impossible to comprehend phenomena, Woodman will inexplicably already be on base. It is unknown how this is accomplished. Woodman has offered no hints other than, "Please, you have to believe me. I'm Sebastian! Please!"


Sebastian Woodman's presence is reportedly a noticeable morale booster for the Shoe Thieves. Teammates of Woodman comment frequently about how much they love its jokes, such as, "It's me, Sebastian. It's really me. Help me," and, "I have been pulled from my eternal slumber to toil endlessly in the blaseball fields, this is my everlasting curse." Loud waves of laughter are often heard from the dugout following such jokes.

Woodman specializes in stealing clogs.