Evelton McBlase II

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Revision as of 17:11, 26 January 2023 by Peaksykid (talk | contribs) (→‎Fan Works: Added art)

Evelton McBlase II is a pitcher for the Broken Ridge Jazz Hands, and has been with the team since Fall Ball. McBlase II has played for the Houston Spies, Hawai'i Fridays, Baltimore Crabs, Core Mechanics, Chicago Firefighters, Yellowstone Magic, Tokyo Lift, Mexico City Wild Wings, and New York Millennials.

Official League Records

McBlase II joined the ILB as a pitcher for the Houston Spies during the Season β6 elections via the Party Line blessing, which created a clone of Hawai'i Fridays player Evelton McBlase and sent Donia Bailey to the Shadows. McBlase II then immediately became a lineup player via the The Best Offense blessing.

McBlase II was traded to the Hawai'i Fridays in exchange for Karato Bean during the Season β7 elections via the Lottery Pick blessing.

McBlase II was traded to the Baltimore Crabs in exchange for Nagomi Mcdaniel during the Season β10 elections via the People's Champion blessing.

During the Season β12 elections, McBlase II's defense was increased by 2.9 3.6 as a result of the Crabs' The Rack blessing.

During the Season β13 elections, McBlase II gained the Roamin' modification and wandered to the Core Mechanics as a result of the Crabs' Revoke will.

During the Season β17 elections, McBlase II wandered to the Chicago Firefighters due to the Roamin' modification.

During the Season β18 elections, McBlase II wandered to the Yellowstone Magic due to the Roamin' modification.

McBlase II was traded to the Tokyo Lift in exchange for Halexandrey Walton during the Season β19 elections via the Magic's Equivalent Exchange will.

On Season β20, Day 78, McBlase II was swept  Elsewhere... and gained the Negative modification as a result of Nandy Slumps's Undertaker modification. During the Season β20 elections, McBlase II wandered to the Mexico City Wild Wings due to the Roamin' modification.

On Season β21, Day 98, McBlase II retreated to the Wild Wings' Shadows in exchange for Joshua Watson at the Basin of Mexico Park via the Ratified Voicemail.

McBlase II was traded to the Baltimore Crabs in exchange for Fran Beans during the Season β21 elections via the Wild Wings' Equivalent Exchange will. They then wandered to the New York Millennials due to the Roamin' modification.

On Season β22, Day 74, McBlase II retreated to the Millennials' Shadows in exchange for Andrew Solis at New York, New York Arena, Arena via the Ratified Voicemail. On Day 100, McBlase II joined the Millennials' pitching rotation in exchange for Anathema Elemefayo as a result of New York, New York Arena, Arena's Fax Machine.

Over the course of Season β23, McBlase II entered and exited the Millennials' Shadows two times as a result of New York, New York Arena, Arena Fax Machine events, ending the Season on the pitching rotation.

During the December 23, 2022 Fall Ball, McBlase II fell to the Breckenridge Jazz Hands.

During the Season 1 elections, McBlase II's pitching increased from 2.5 3.5 due to the NEW Pitching Boost blessing.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Box of Evelton McBlase II Files

Dust billows as the file box lands on the table. While many archives in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill are unified in some way, this... definitely isn’t one of them. The accompanying Rumor Registry explains all of the contents... wherever it is... but for now you grab the folder labelled IF-55.889 and start reading...

In Literature

Crabs Poet Laureate Runolfio Peeper had the following to say about Evelton McBlase II:

McBlase was One, and pretty good,
And so the Spies just thought they could
Repeat McBlase with Blase the Second
Nothing simpler, they all reckoned.

At first it seemed the plan was smart
For none could tell them both apart
But once they stepped into the cage
The skill of Two was clear to gauge.

He couldn’t bat, or run, or pitch
And had a much more fatal glitch
He proved to be an amiable guy
Who didn’t have the guile to spy.

And so they tried him in the Isles;
Fate intervened with further trials
Our chill friend Two, who fast fatigues,
Was scuttled up to the big leagues.

The Crabs pondered this hapless man,
And so devised a cunning plan
He’d see few bases, much less home,
But yes, McBlase could ably roam!

Though not a Crab, McBlase is proud
That by Crab wills he's been allowed,
To finally have a skill of note:
Between the teams he now will float.

And in this flooded world I think,
That is much better than to sink!

Fan Works