Isaac Rubberman

From Blaseball Wiki

Isaac Rubberman was a lineup player for the Boston Flowers, and was with the team from Season β1 until being incinerated on Season β3, Day 82.

Official League Records

Rubberman joined the ILB as a lineup player for the Boston Flowers with the Return of Blaseball.

On Season β3, Day 82, Rubberman was incinerated and replaced by Vito Kravitz.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Box of Isaac Rubberman Files

Dust billows as the file box lands on the table. While many archives in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill are unified in some way, this... definitely isn’t one of them. The accompanying Rumor Registry explains all of the contents... wherever it is... but for now you grab the folder labelled IF-88.363 and start reading...


Isaac Rubberman is a Black man from southeast Michigan. Ne grew up in a large family, and both of nir parents worked blue-collar jobs (nir mother as a housecleaner, nir father at an auto plant). Ne ultimately followed in nir father’s footsteps, also working in an auto plant. Reports are unclear if “Rubberman” is nir legal surname or a nickname earned from nir job.

Rubberman was content to stay in the Michigan area; ne and nir partner Dana lived there for several years, close to Rubberman’s family. Rubberman continued working in the automotive industry until Dana fell ill. Dana was diagnosed with lung cancer, and they eventually passed away.

Heartbroken, Rubberman decided to leave Michigan for a fresh start. Ne also found a passion for environmental justice, particularly surrounding air pollution. While searching for somewhere new to live, ne found work being done by Hiroto Cerna in the Boston area regarding anti-pollution efforts. Rubberman and Cerna got in touch, and Rubberman ultimately moved out to Boston.

Rubberman became involved with local political activism and environmental justice. Ne was known for lobbying politicians, at the neighborhood, district, city, county, and state level, to consider the environmental consequences of their actions. When ne heard about the Boston Flowers and that they would be playing in the Boston Garden, Rubberman was concerned about the environmental consequences. After speaking to team captain Beck Whitney, Rubberman joined the team to help ensure that their presence in the Garden wouldn’t be detrimental.

On the Boston Flowers

Rubberman was broadly disinterested in blaseball, and was mostly on the team because of nir environmental concerns. Ne also liked to make jokes about being too old for blaseball because ne was in nir 40s, jokes which often earned eye-rolls from Whitney and Chambers Simmons. Nonetheless, ne was fairly good at the game, and was popular with fans.

Ne spent most of nir time on the team supervising The Garden as it began to grow and gain sentience. Ne developed a friendship with Zeboriah Wilson, who was just as ecologically-minded as Rubberman, and Owen Picklestein, whose input on environmental justice issues was uniquely valuable.

Rubberman was incinerated late in Season 3. Nir memory was the motivation for several environmental groups, some of which were spearheaded by Cerna. One of these groups eventually became The Gardeners.

Fan Art