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Yellowstone National Park

National Park Service Standardized Irregularity Report

Documenting Researcher: Researcher Hunigvale

Irregularity Designation: YS-726 (“Sunburst”)

Irregularity Class: Guest (Pending)

Park Management Protocol:

  • Visitors are to be informed of Shadowless events, and warned to stay put and avoid looking up during them.
  • Park Rangers are trained to take immediate action to discern the perimeter of YS-726 and to redirect visitors away from trails that would enter its borders.
  • While YS-726 remains in effect, Park Rangers capable of navigating within YS-726 are to patrol within its area and render assistance to any wildlife or visitors incapable of navigating within it. A special focus should be paid to birds while doing so.

Irregularity Description: YS-726 is the unpredicted appearance and disappearance of a roughly circular area, approximately 33 miles in diameter, in which no shadow is cast similar to a normal Shadowless event. While it is not one, it behaves similarly and is accordingly not directly harmful, though it remains deeply disorienting and may be panic-inducing for wildlife, visitors, and those Park Rangers that rely on sight as a primary sense.
YS-726 is not to be confused with normal Shadowless events, as its appearances and disappearances have not been successfully predicted, it covers over sixty-eight times the average area of such events, and the sky in affected areas contains REDACTED.
Looking up within YS-726 has been varyingly described as "Like having your eyeballs turned inside-out," "Awful. Just not good," "Like someone combined the nightmares of a REDACTED and a REDACTEDlogist," and "Really cool! I wish I could see it again."

Additional Notes: Unlike normal Shadowless events, YS-726 behaves as though no shadows exist within its perimeter. As a result, many Park Rangers are unable to respond to YS-726, and several NPS tools are accordingly nonfunctional when directed at it, most notably visual scrying such as scrying pools, crystal balls, and binoculars. Also, seriously, don't look up. It'll just ruin your whole week. It's not even that cool afterwards, no matter what some of us say.