Howell Franklin

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Howell Franklin is a lineup player for the Charleston Shoe Thieves, and has been with the team since the Season 6 elections after being stolen by the Who? blessing and replacing Joe Voorhees. Franklin previously played for the Houston Spies, beginning in Season 1.

Official League Records

Franklin currently has no notable events in the official record books.


The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

For much of league history, Howell Franklin had distinguished themselves by being deeply mysterious, even by the standards of a shady and inscrutable organisation such as the Houston Spies.

Unfortunately for the Spies, this state of affairs changed when Franklin blew their cover as a cook at the stadium of the Mexico City Wild Wings. While on an innocent fact finding mission after hours in the players' locker room, Franklin had an encounter with the Wild Wings' José Haley, ending in Franklin contracting Haley's werewolfism. As of press release, Franklin is the second werewolf blaseball player in the history of the splort. While both parties claim that the bite was the result of an accidental trip and fall, teeth first, many rumors have spread about the bite originating from a spicy night of redacted activities, both literally and figuratively saucy. This is complicated by the fact that the normally discreet Franklin has been sighted many times in seedy areas of Mexico City near the Wild Wings' stadium, despite the fact that their as of yet uncontrolled transformations have resulted in multiple blown covers and their removal from undercover operation. Both players disavow the rumors, but with a team as inscrutable as the Spies, who can say? Despite their transformations being reported to cause not insignificant chaos among the Spies, Franklin refuses to ask Haley to show them how to control it, citing a wish to discourage speculation. Players on rival teams at risk of getting torn apart by Franklin's raging wolf form have set up an outcry to league officials, but there is no existing regulation addressing an existing condition which, up until recently, only one relatively manageable player was afflicted with.