Gumdrop Che Amran

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Revision as of 17:18, 31 January 2023 by Waveridden (talk | contribs) (community lore! hello gumdrop)

Gumdrop Che Amran is a lineup player for the Tokyo Lift and has been with the Team since the Return(s) of Blaseball.

Official League Records

Che Amran joined the ILB as a lineup player for the Tokyo Lift with the Return(s) of Blaseball.

In the Season 1 Elections, the Lift won the NEW Max Out Batter blessing. As a result, Che Amran's entire Zone heated up until Red Hot.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Before Blaseball

“Gumdrop” Che Amran is a history teacher and language tutor. Ne is Japanese-Malaysian, born and raised in Malaysia, and grew up in a small family. Amran played blaseball throughout college, but ne eventually decided that the athlete life wasn’t for nem and hung up ner cleats.

After graduating, Amran moved from Malaysia to Japan. Ne began ner teaching career by teaching Malaysian to Japanese students. Over time, Amran learned that ne had a knack for both languages and teaching. Ne gradually expanded ner tutoring business to encompass English, Spanish, Tagalog, and Mandarin. Amran also became a part-time public high school teacher, specializing in world history and, of course, foreign languages.

As a teacher, Amran was much-loved. Ne worked as a tutor and teacher in and around Tokyo for over forty years prior to joining blaseball.


Amran took a beginning pottery class at the Tokyo Fitness Center, which functioned as a community center for the city. Ne was enchanted by pottery, especially the joy of making ner own kitchenware, and signed up for a studio residency. Ner studio-mates were Katy Hermoso, Özlem Suttner, and Aya Chartreuse. Amran, as the eldest, became a paternal, advice-giving figure to Hermoso.

The four of them connected through pottery, and eventually connected to the city of Tokyo, nicknaming themselves “Throwkyo” after pottery throwing. As the Fitness Center and the Legscraper gradually re-became the home of the Tokyo Lift, the members of Throwkyo felt drawn to the lift. Amran had been a longtime casual fan of the Lift, and was excited at the opportunity to connect with the team.

Collectively, the members of Throwkyo discussed how they were drawn to the team, the dangers of blaseball, and what happened to the prior members of the Lift. Eventually, they decided to join together, in hopes that they could bring joy and splortsmanship to the team.

Blaseball Career

In Season 1, Amran made a name for themself as the worst batter on the Lift. However, during that season’s elections, Amran was the Target of the Lift’s NEW Max Out Batter blessing. Amran claimed that the blessing didn’t do anything, and ner subsequent much-improved batting performance was because ne had taken time off for nemself.

Name and Nickname

ILB fans have expressed confusion over what portion of “Gumdrop Che Amran” is the given name and what is the family name. In an interview, Amran explained that ner given name is Che and ner family name is Amran. Gumdrop is a nickname.

While Amran has never explained the origins of the nickname, rumors swirl. One of those rumors is that Amran once won a year’s supply of gumdrops in a novelty giveaway at a batting cage. Amran says that ne doesn’t even like gumdrops that much, but ner legacy was cemented.


  • Amran has achondroplasia, a form of dwarfism.
  • Amran is fluent in 9 languages.
  • Amran has a reputation for friendly teasing, although never about anything that would hurt anyone’s feelings. Lift teammates have reported knowing they were friends with Amran when ne first called them clumsy, unfunny, or a real silly-billy.