Inky Rutledge

From Blaseball Wiki

Revision as of 19:07, 28 August 2020 by Nameoftheyear (talk | contribs) (Formatting. Added Navbox Switch.)

Inky Rutledge is a pitcher for the Yellowstone Magic. Rutledge has been a member of the team since Season 1.

Official League Records

Rutledge currently has no notable events in the official record books.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.


Rutledge is notable among fans for their steadfast refusal to use a blaseball glove on more than one of their many arms and their entirely human demeanor.

Rutledge loves the song Oye Como Va by Santana.

Inky ended up in beautiful landlocked Yellowstone when a summoning circle created by Bevan the Wise accidentally summoned 333 gallons of the Sea of Japan, instead of 3 orders of takoyaki from Japan Ocean Sushi (Bevan’s favorite sushi joint in Tacoma.)

In those 333 gallons was a very confused giant Pacific octopus, who Bevan felt just awful for stranding in beautiful landlocked Yellowstone. Using the remaining energy from the circle to summon a sturdy humanoid body for the octopus, he was struck with how well adapted an 8-armed pitcher would be for Yellowstone’s blaseball team.

The newly formed, very handsome octopus man accepted Bevan’s offer to join the team, named himself Inky (after his love of writing letters in pen), and the rest is history. Only the players of the Yellowstone Magic know that he's an octopus, as he tends to use camoflague spells to appear as a normal human to those outside of his close family and friends.

Inky carries around a gong that he uses all 8 hands and arms to sound before each game. While incredibly hard to play a song with many instruments using a gong, the crowds all unanimously agree that it does, indeed, sound like Oye Como Va.

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