Owen Picklestein

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Owen Picklestein is a pitcher for the Boston Flowers. Pickles has been with the Flowers since Season 1.

Official League Records

During the Season 9 election, Picklestein received the Friend of Crows modification due to the passing of the Forecast: Birds decree.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.


Picklestein appears to be made entirely of bioluminescent, dill scented oil. The cracking of Picklestein's bones (most often initiated by the strong and loving hugs of Picklestein 's teammates) causes Picklestein's skin to glow most brightly, a glow which is maintained through Picklestein's pregame ritual of Wim Hof.

Fans who have met Picklestein report a faint taste of martini olives, accompanied by a vague high pitched hum, both of which linger for several minutes post encounter. Picklestein has politely requested that fans do not touch Picklestein's bare skin, unless they are willing to put up with dill-scented oil getting in their clothes.

It is rumoured that Picklestein is in a budding polyamorous relationship with Baltimore Crabs player Pedro Davids, as they have been found making eyes at each other across the field on many an occasion.

Picklestein is the fraternal twin of Yellowstone Magic player Sutton Picklestein. When asked about their relationship, Picklestein shrugs and says "Family is family, you know? I've got to focus on my pitching average while I still can." Picklestein refused to elaborate further.
