Axel Trololol

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Axel Trololol was a player for the Kansas City Breath Mints, Chicago Firefighters, Baltimore Crabs, THE SHELLED ONE'S PODS, and The Hall Stars.

Official League Records

Axel Trololol joined the ILB as a pitcher for the Kansas City Breath Mints at the start of Season β1.

Trololol was the recipient of the Season β2 blessing Literal Arm Cannon, maximizing their pitching rating.

Trololol was traded to the Chicago Firefighters in exchange for Atlas Guerra during the Season β3 elections via the Vulture blessing. The Performance Enhancing Demons blessing (awarded to the Firefighters after Trololol's trade) then further increased Trololol's pitching rating.

On Season β5, Day 30, Trololol became a lineup player due to Reverb.

Trololol was traded to the Baltimore Crabs in exchange for Joshua Watson during the Season β5 elections via the The Plan? Pitch from the Plate blessing. This blessing also made Trololol a pitcher again.

On Season β7, Day 66, Trololol siphoned some of Chicago Firefighters pitcher Caleb Alvarado's pitching ability in a game with Blooddrain weather. This made Trololol the best rated pitcher in the ILB at .

After Day 99 of Season 7, Trololol was  SHELLED.

During the events of Season 9, Day X, Trololol was stolen from the Crabs and made the sole pitcher of THE SHELLED ONE'S PODS.

During the events of Season 10, Day X, Trololol was repeatedly exchanged between the Hall Stars and THE SHELLED ONE'S PODS due to Feedback caused by Jaylen Hotdogfingers' Fliickerrriiing. Trololol ultimately settled on the Hall Stars, replaced by Jaylen Hotdogfingers. After The Hall Stars' victory over the PODS, Trololol was Released from Internet League Blaseball.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Box of Axel Trololol Files

Dust billows as the file box lands on the table. While many archives in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill are unified in some way, this... definitely isn’t one of them. The accompanying Rumor Registry explains all of the contents... wherever it is... but for now you grab the folder labelled IF-193.22 and start reading...

Thumb Wars

Axel Trololol and Moist Talkers pitcher PolkaDot Patterson have been longtime friends since their days together throwing for the Breath Mints. As both of them have become maxed out pitchers, and the two most fingerful players in blaseball, they arrange to meet up yearly in the postseason to have a friendly thumb war with one another.

Most people know the rules for a thumb war, but they only play with one thumb each. With every added thumb, the game becomes vastly more complicated, and with as many thumbs as these two have, a single game of thumb war spills out over about a week, and is an incredibly dramatic affair with highs and lows that bring most viewers to tears. The thumb war between the two is often streamed live for fans across the world to see, and the community that formed around it has delved deep into optimal thumb strategies for both sides, creating pages upon pages of fanwork telling the story of every battlescarred finger as it crawls across the trenches, commentating live as fingers, writhing in bloodlust, destroy one another, are born, live, and die on the endless battlefield of fingers.

Fingers are often grouped into battalions, and subgrouped into companies, though Axel or PolkaDot have both entertained switching fingers up across division lines to finagle an underhanded flank against the other. Subcommunities form around each battalion and sometimes around certain individual fingers and follow their personal stories, even though they are not subject to the machinations of the hands that play the game and only their consequence. Much of the lore around these digits can be found on the Thumb War Wiki.

In Literature

Crabs Poet Laureate Runolfio Peeper wrote to following about Trololol:

The fans of blaseball laugh and cry
The whims of Gods are never dull
And all the league did find it wry
When Crabs gained Axel Trololol.

A firefighter, true and true
Dear Axel mourned to leave his team
The Gods forced him to say adieu
To be a pitcher was his dream.

In Crabs he found a ready home
Their joy in water proved their worth
And as a red-shelled truck his chrome
Now glistened with a dewy mirth.

For now he is our honored guest
Until the Gods demand a switch
For Axel’s sake, we’ll try to jest
So long as he’s allowed to pitch.

Fan Works
