Atlantis Georgias/Season 14

From Blaseball Wiki

In Season 14, the Atlantis Georgias finished 12th in the Wild League and 24th in the ILB.

Season 14 proved to be marginally worse for the Georgias than Season 13, as their rivals across the League took more dramatic approaches with their Wills while the Georgias, for the most part, clung tight to their original roster. While the Infusion of Jan Canberra and the addition of Slosh Truk did mark improvements to the Georgias' lineup, the Alternation of Flattery McKinley managed to make their already bad pitching even worse, securing the Georgias as the hosts of this Season's Party Time. While Wyatt Mason III, better known by fans as Trip Mason would join the team following the installation of PsychoAcoustics during Latesiesta, their presence would be short-lived, as they would Echo into Static with Wyatt Mason VIII of the Ohio Worms on Day 86.

In the elections, the Georgias won no Blessings, and received a Free Will for finishing last in the League. The Georgias elected to Infuse Yurts Buttercup, Foreshadow Gita Biscuits for Mordecai Kingbird, and in a surprising move, Exchange Gita Biscuits for Knight Triumphant, leaving Triumphant stuck in the Georgias' Shadows.

Starting Roster

Lineup Rotation

Season Events


Roster changes

During Season 14, the Atlantis Georgias were subject to three Players being swept Elsewhere and one Player Echoing into Static. The Atlantis Georgias entered Party Time on Day 80, and partied 12 times.

  • On Day 31 Mint Shupe was swept Elsewhere. Shupe returned 23 Days later on Day 54, scattered as Min- Shup-. Shupe would be Unscattered on Day 89.
  • On Day 61 Gita Biscuits was swept Elsewhere. Biscuits returned 1 Day later on Day 62.
  • On Day 62 Erin Jesaulenko was swept Elsewhere. Jesaulenko returned 7 Days later on Day 79.
  • On Day 86 Wyatt Mason III Echoed into Static with Wyatt Mason VIII of the Ohio Worms.
  • On Day 80 the Atlantis Georgias entered Party Time. All Players that partied are listed below:
    • Niq Nyong'o partied once on Day 85, resulting in an 11.9 13.2 stat increase.
    • Siobhan Chark partied once on Day 91, resulting in a 7.9 9.3 stat increase.
    • Flattery McKinley partied twice on Day 91 and Day 96, resulting in a total 11.4 14 stat increase.
    • Hercules Alighieri partied once on Day 92, resulting in a 13 14.2 stat increase.
    • Slosh Truk partied twice on Day 93 and Day 96, resulting in a total 10.2 12.8 stat increase.
    • Rigby Friedrich partied once on Day 93, resulting in a 16.1 17.2 stat increase.
    • Mint Shupe partied twice on Day 94 and Day 98, resulting in a total 8.9 11.8 stat increase.
    • Geraldine Frost partied once on Day 96, resulting in an 11.3 12.5 stat increase.
    • Erin Jesaulenko partied once on Day 99, resulting in a 9.7 11 stat increase.

Notable Games

Election Outcomes


  • Teamicon georgias.png
    • The Georgias vote to infuse Yurts Buttercup.
    • Yurts Buttercup is Infused.
      • Combined 10.8 15.7
    • Infuse - 25% of all Georgias Will Votes
      This Filing - 8% of Georgias Infuse Votes
      Final Odds - 2% chance of happening.
  • Teamicon georgias.png
    • The Georgias chose to bring Mordecai Kingbird forth from the shadows, via a foreshadow swap with Gita Biscuits.
    • The Georgias made a roster move.
    • Gita Biscuits entered the Shadows.
      • Combined 8.4 9.4
    • Foreshadow - 18% of all Georgias Will Votes
      This Filing - 90% of Georgias Foreshadow Votes
      Final Odds - 16% chance of happening.
  • Teamicon georgias.png

Season Overview

The following summary mixes canon events with community lore.
While some Atlantis Georgias fans remained hopeful going into Season 14, most recognized that the team still had much room to improve compared to the rest of the League, and instead cheered for the Atlantis Georgias to quickly enter Party Time. Despite an infused Jan Canberra and Slosh Truk bringing much needed improvements to their lineup and a perfect game pitched by star pitcher Rigby Friedrich, the Georgias largely succeeded at their goal, entering Party Time on Day 80 and partying a total of 12 times.

Flattery McKinley goes on strike

Flattery McKinley was swapped for an Alternate in the Season 13 elections, being replaced with a version that was a batter in their home dimension. Upon learning that they were contracted to play for the Georgias' rotation, McKinley expressed outrage, as they had never pitched a game in their life and did not expect to do good at it. McKinley ultimately decided they would go on strike, a decision supported by team captain Niq Nyong'o and team strategist Rigby Friedrich. While Friedrich initially remained hesitant, he approved to the strike after hearing it was to spite the Blaseball Gods.

McKinley would regularly show up to games standing on the pitching mound in batting stance, pitching balls with their tentacle hair, which resulted in remarkably poor aim. McKinley routinely failed to hit the strike zone, and would walk more batters than any pitcher seen prior, walking 247 batters over the course of a single 99-Day Season.

McKinley was hoping to be not just a bad pitcher, but the worst pitcher ever witnessed, in the hopes it would drive home the point that they should be moved to the Lineup. However, they faced competition from Charleston Shoe Thieves pitcher Simba Davis, who was working towards the same goal in hopes that she could win the title of ERA Queen. While McKinley would give a strong effort, including an especially notable game where they gave up 25 runs to the Hades Tigers, ultimately McKinley lost the fight, earning an ERA of 11.50 as opposed to Davis' 13.37. Despite this, both managed to beat the previous record holder, Gunther O'Brian.

Latesiesta and Trip Mason

In order to fund renovations at The Atlantean Dome, the Atlantis Georgias employed the assistance of an offsite sponsor named Angelika Aufdiscord. Aufdiscord would help fund a singular renovation: a PsychoAcoustics system that was promptly installed in the Bubble at Latesiesta.

While tuning their new PsychoAcoustics, a Rift opened, and from it emerged a new teenage Player that no one else on the team recognized. While their league records referred to them as Wyatt Mason III, they appeared to dislike this name, and the Georgias would begin referring to them as "Three" and later "Trip," to ease their discomfort.

Trip Mason joined the team in a dissociative haze, largely remaining distant from their teammates, though they would eventually come to find friends in Ankle Halifax and Gita Biscuits, while Siobhan Chark would come to often look over Mason and assure their safety. Mason would eventually start to come out of their shell, revealing that they had a sharp-witted, slightly mean sense of humor and a love of chaos and pranks.

However, this would not last for long, as on Day 77, Wyatt Mason IX and Wyatt Mason XI would Echo into Static, with many of the new Wyatts Mason across the league facing similar fates. This would unfortunately prove true for Trip Mason as well, as during a Feedback game on Day 86, Mason would Echo into Static with Wyatt Mason VIII of the Ohio Worms.

Despite being absent from the Georgias' roster, however, some continue to still see the ghost of a shockingly wet teenager around the Bubble, leading to theories that they continue to haunt the Bubble's PsychoAcoustics to this day.

Party Time

As a result of their poor performance, the Atlantis Georgias would be the first team to enter Party Time this Season, entering on Day 80. As such, the Atlantis Georgias were given permissions to Host Party time, while the Players on the Team would party a total of twelve times. The Party was sponsored by Ooze, with custom new flavors being distributed by Ooze mascot Slosh Truk as each team entered Party Time. The new Ooze flavors created for this party were as follows:

This would end up being the start of a long-running tradition where the first team to enter Party Time distributes party favors to each Team that falls out of the postseason running.


During the Election, the Georgias recommended to Infuse any of their batters, which ultimately landed on Yurts Buttercup, who had previously been one of the team's most inconsistent hitters. Additionally, it was recommended to swap Gita Biscuits for Mordecai Kingbird, a Shadows player with decent batting prospects and surprisingly good baserunning and defense. This additionally went according to plan.

Due to the team's poor performance, however, they additionally received a Free Will, which would fall into the hands of team sponsor Angelika Aufdiscord, who had previously been a fan of the San Francisco Lovers. Aufdiscord, unaware of the Georgias' voting plans, voted to Exchange Gita Biscuits for Knight Triumphant, leaving Triumphant stranded Elsewhere in the Georgias' shadows, much like Neerie McCloud. This would be the first of many "wimdy" votes the Georgias would come to blame on Aufdiscord, and would not be the last time it led to a swap with the Lovers.

Much like previous elections, the Georgias failed to win any Blessings, as that would require the Gods to acknowledge the Atlantis Georgias.