Margarito Nava

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Revision as of 22:02, 20 September 2020 by OliverIsARobot (talk | contribs) (Update player infobox)

Margarito Nava is a lineup player for the Boston Flowers. Nava has been with the Flowers since Season One.

Official League Records

Three Homers

On Season 7, Day 10, Nava hit a record-breaking three home runs over the course of the game. Nava earned a total of 7 runs from these homers, bringing the Flowers to a 7-10 victory over the Philly Pies, shaming them.

During the Flowers' Season 7, Day 86 game against the Houston Spies, Nava received a ½-star boost to batting, pitching, baserunning, and defense.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.


When recruited by the Flowers, Margarito was found in a Margaritaville Hotel & Casino. Margarito knows only two things: blaseball and the entirety of Jimmy Bluffett's discography (minus Cheeseburger in Paradise).

Allegedly, xir cousin Nagomi Nava plays for the Hellmouth Sunbeams. However, Margarito has denied all such allegations, stating "If Nagomi wants to cousin me, she'll have to come get me. And Boston won't give me up that easy."

Some splorts replorters have suggested that Margarito looks eerily similar to former Boston Red Sox outfielder Daniel Nava, wondering if Daniel went into baseball while Margarito went into blaseball. Margarito insists xe has no idea what the reporters are talking about, and that even the suggestion of being an image escaped from the mirror dimension is irresponsible.


As the most experienced and leaderly player on the team when Beck Whitney was traded to the Miami Dale, Nava assumed the job of team captain in her absence. Though Whitney remains the captain of the team in title, Nava now is in charge of all the day-to-day duties of the job, something xe was remarkably unprepared for. Nevertheless, xe is giving it xir best effort, and is respected by the team for doing so.


Margarito Nava owns and operates a Jimmy Bluffet themed bar in Boston named Margaritoville. It's one of the biggest attractions in Boston, and people come from far and wide just to share a drink there. Nava xemself is rarely in the bar, but xe throws a massive party for the Flowers every Party Time.