Pemmy Kesh

From Blaseball Wiki
Pre-History Player
This player was revealed to the League via The Library or Kennedy Loser. It will remain locked until the Moderation Team develops suitable guidelines for community contribution.

Pemmy Kesh was a Player for the Topeka Moist Talkers, and was with the team since Season D, Day 3 until their incineration on an unknown date. Kesh previously played for the Canada Artists.

Official League Record

Kesh was first seen as a player for the Canada Artists after a feed event was revealed in the Library, under A Save in Pre-History I.

On Season D, Day 3, Kesh was on the Artists when a Rogue Umpire incinerated the team. Due to Agan Espinoza's Fire Protector modification, Kesh survived the incineration and was transferred to the Topeka Moist Talkers.

On an unknown date, Kesh was incinerated and replaced by an unknown player.