Isaac Johnson

From Blaseball Wiki

Revision as of 07:39, 15 June 2021 by LaserMessiah (talk | contribs) (Changed Isaac's workplace from the Vienna Beef Factory to a randomized list of fake blaseball Chicago businesses with links to other pages where appropriate.)

Isaac Johnson is a lineup player for the Chicago Firefighters, and has been with the Firefighters since the start of Internet League Blaseball.

Official League Record

Johnson joined the ILB as a lineup player for the Chicago Firefighters with the Return of Blaseball.

During the Season 5 elections, Johnson's defense rating increased by as a result of the Katamari blessing.

During the Season 9 elections, Johnson received the Siphon modification due to the passing of the Forecast: Blooddrain decree.

During the Coffee Cup, Johnson played for Club de Calf as a lineup player.


The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Isaac “Ike” Johnson was born to a blue-collar, working class white father and second-generation Chinese immigrant mother. Johnson is a lifelong athlete and can often be found going for morning jogs outside of team training.

Like all of us, he is from Chicago. His jersey number is 779.

Anticapitalist Beliefs

Johnson is sometimes referred to as “Comrade Ike” due to his involvement in local organizing and strong negative feelings about capitalism. Johnson is known for his employment and union-forming efforts at several local businesses including Will's Towing, as well as for assisting in mutual aid projects across Chicago, often arriving to games directly after his shifts. When asked how he finds the time for these activities while also being a first responder and professional athlete, Johnson simply responded, “Time is a means of production and I am seizing it.”

Although he was already a self-identified leftist when he began playing in the ILB, Johnson’s communist sentiments have only grown since becoming a Siphon at the end of Season 9. In regards to this, Johnson is quoted as having said, “Blooddrain…” while narrowing his eyes and staring off into the middle distance.


  • For reasons that remain unclear, Firefighters fans have been known to refer to Johnson as “The Him.”
  • Johnson owns a significant collection of running equipment including a pair of state-of-the-art toe-separated barefoot running shoes.
  • In early seasons, Johnson was also commonly called “Walker” due to his tendency to take walks while at-bat.
  • When convinced by teammate Caleb Alvarado to take a love language quiz, Johnson’s top three results were acts of service, quality time, and wealth redistribution.
  • Johnson is familiar with the works of a number of leftist theorists including Karl Mlarx, Vladimir Llenin, John Maynard Kleynes, Emma Gloldman, Dolly Plarton, and Angela Dlavis.
  • Johnson has estimated that through his family he knows 85% of the immigrant grandmothers within Chicago city limits.
  • For unknown reasons, teammate Socks Maybe has a deep hatred for Johnson and will rarely be seen near him. This has caused a number of the problems on the team, as the two have only one lineup slot separating them.

Fan Works